A Few Precautions

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Everyone was hosted by Hestia. The sleeping quarters were basically dormitories, girls and boys separate, with a magic barrier at the threshold of each room. The past and future campers were separate so they could talk without giving spoilers. Sally got a separate room. Once everyone went in, Percy and Annabeth stayed back and told their request to Hestia. She raised an eyebrow, but relented when they said that their parents have agreed to the arrangement.

"Yeah, so tomorrow we will finish our first quest and maybe the second one as well. How to disclose Luke?" Percy asked Annabeth.

"He has not done anything yet except for listen to Kronos. So, technically, he is not guilty, yet. But Zeus and Hades won't listen to reason."

"Let's tell Hestia at breakfast tomorrow, along with the reason. She will protect him and will help us show the Olympians, especially Zeus, that his laws are useless and will come back to him in the butt."

"Smart plan, Seaweed Brain. I think, getting engaged really connected our thoughts. Speaking of getting engaged, when do we tell our friends?"

"Till your younger self lets go of her grudge against my younger self and they become friends. I am surprised Aphrodite didn't figure out that we are engaged. Anyways, good night, fiancée," he punctuated it with a deep and passionate kiss, full of love but not a drop of lust in it. They had sworn on the Styx to not do anything before marriage, and they would keep it. "I love you"

"I love you too."

They slept, cuddling together, a dreamless sleep, for the first time since Tartarus. Of course, they slept together on the Argo II after that place and also at camp, but they hadn't had such a peaceful sleep in a long time.

Little did they know that their parents had taken pity on them and blessed them with dreamless sleep.


The next morning, Percy and Annabeth walked in the breakfast hall, the size of a football field, to the raised eyebrows of many and half-contained smirks of the futures, who had noticed that neither Percy nor Annabeth had slept in their rooms. They blushed and went away to take some breakfast and went to talk to Lady Hestia about Luke.

"Aunt Hestia, can we talk to you, in private? It would prevent a few murders over the course of my story," Percy requested the Goddess of the Hearth, who relented. Flashing them to her temple and motioning them to sit, she urged them to talk.

"So, in this story, as you may have already guessed, Zeus' Master Bolt is stolen. He blames my dad and me, but I knew nothing of this world before I reached camp. Hades' Helm is also stolen, but he does not tell the Council as he believes that none would help him, hence the Kindly One at school and Zeus' temper."
"Now, Luke is the big brother of camp and many people look up to him as a sibling or a crush, including my younger self, though it is a bit misunderstood. But, what everyone, except probably my younger self have not seen is that he has changed after his quest to Mount Tam. He is bitter against the Gods and was ordered by his Great-Grandfather to steal both the weapons after this meeting, that we interrupted, to pit the Big Three against each other and weaken the Council and rise himself."

"Wait, Great-Grandfather means... my Father. Excuse the language, but holy crap."

"Yes Auntie, you are right. Of course, Zeus does not believe it until an Olympian is forced to withstand the General's Curse, but, yeah, Luke is a traitor to Olympus."

"He hasn't done anything yet, mind you, except for listen to Kronos. Also, Ares was manipulated by Kronos to hide the weapons once Luke was caught, by giving him the prospect of a war."

"So, we are requesting you to protect Luke from the Big Three, as he also tried to kill Percy at the end of this story and many times later."

"Also, two more demigods joined him. One was Chris Rodriguez, who was bitter as he had stayed in the Hermes cabin for four years but was still unclaimed. He returned to our side when he was sent into the Labyrinth by Luke to scout it out and was driven insane, only to be rescued by Clarisse and healed by Mr. D. The other was Silena Beauregard. She was the spy at camp. She sacrificed herself in the final battle, but that was because she helped us win. I will tell her story later, but she joined Luke because of his looks and not because she was angry."

"Ok. Thanks for informing me. I will surely protect them. Actually, I will declare all the demigods under my protection when we reach the Throne Room."
"Thank you Auntie."

"You are welcome, nephew. Also," she continued with a mischievous smile, "I need the first invite at your wedding." With that, she flashed out, leaving the couple thinking, how did she know? A smooth and silky voice spoke in their heads, hide your ring better if you don't want others to know, leaving the couple gobsmacked.

Collecting her senses, Annabeth said, "well, I am not removing it. I will put it on another finger and say that it is a promise ring, and kill Apollo if he calls out my lie."

"Deal," Percy sealed it with a sweet kiss. They went towards the Throne Room hand-in-hand.

Although Annabeth prided herself on notforgetting anything, she did a mental facepalm when Aphrodite asked, "what is that on your ring finger?"

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