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Beam initially felt hurt hearing Alvin saying he likes Forth but the moment he heard Forth is heart broken he started to felt bad for Forth.

⁣⁣Beam: I'm not sure P'. Forth just comeback from LA this year. Maybe something happen there.⁣⁣

Alvin: hmmm.. Okay then. I will inquire myself and don't tell anything about I like him stuff to Forth. I want to tell myself.

⁣⁣"Even you ask me to tell I won't" thought by Beam and nodded.⁣⁣

Kit and Pha goes to the table Beam seating after Alvin moves.⁣⁣

Pha: What is he doing here with you? He never hangout other place then his faculty. ⁣⁣

Beam: He wanted to know about Forth. So just asking me his details.⁣⁣

Pha: Means the rumour is true then?⁣⁣

Kit: What rumour? ⁣⁣

Pha: P'Alvin is hitting on Forth. ⁣⁣

Beam: errmmm ⁣⁣

Pha: Shia... thats awesome. ⁣⁣

Kit: How can that be awesome?

Pha: Come on Kit, everyone know how rich is P'Alvin. Forth just hit a jackpot. ⁣⁣

Beam: Are you an idiot Pha? Forth doesn't need P'Alvin richness to be rich.

Pha: Ohh.. yaa. I forget that.

Kit: Whatever... Let's go to our class. Nowadays there is a lot drama happening around.

Kit sigh and goes. Beam and Pha look at each other and follow Kit. Beam notice Kit being silent the whole time in class. After class end as usual Pha need to go check the practice but surprisingly Kit doesn't want follow them.

Beam is sure something is wrong with Kit but Beam know he need to wait till Kit to open up the issue. Kit is different, till he decided to talk no matter how you ask he won't answer unlike  Beam.

Beam ask Pha not to force Kit and ask Kit to do what he want. Beam decided to help Pha. Both of them goes to the practice place. All Moons and Stars are practicing. Pha goes to check on how they are doing and Beam goes to record their attendance. Ming stop practicing and goes to Beam.

Ming: Where is P'Kit?

Beam: He got something to study. He goes to the library. Why?

Ming: Just P..

Beam can see Ming face is upset. The same kind of reaction Kit carries the whole day. Beam inform Pha and bring Ming out of the hall.

Beam: I need to talk to you.

Ming: Yes... P'?

Beam: Is there anything going between you and Kit?

Ming: No... P'. Why?

Ming ask softly.

Beam: Then why are you looking for Kit? You both always fight like cat and dog.

Ming: Just P... I want to see him.

Another soft voice. Beam then only notice the chain Ming is wearing. Kit had the same type, pattern and design. Beam understand there is something going on between these two.

Beam: Kit might seem though and grumpy but he is sensitive when come to things related to feelings and heart.

Beam not sure why he said that but he felt to say them out. Beam recalled about what Alvin told him. He decide to ask Ming.

Beam: Ming... I want to ask you something about Forth.

Ming: yes P'

Beam: Did Forth had any love or break up when he is in LA. Is it why he come back?

Ming think for a moment.

Ming: As I know there is no such thing happen in LA. P'Forth... like someone here and he came back for that person but I don't who is that.

Beam: ohhh okay... go practice.

Beam wonder who is that person as he know Forth have very limited friends during schooling time and he is the closes one.

"Who is Forth's love? He never talk about anyone to me" thought by Beam.

Beam saw Pha is busy with the team. He silently sneak out to meet Forth. He notice Forth alone in his class working on some project. Beam bought drink for Forth and goes there.

Forth: Hey Beam... for me?

Beam: Yes.

Forth: Thanks.

Beam seat and see Forth doing his work. For a moment he forget his agenda and mesmerize in Forth's attractiveness.

"Enough" Beam tell to himself.

Beam: Forth.. why you come back from LA?

Forth look at Beam. He is shocked to hear such thing from Beam.

Forth: You don't like my presence here?

Beam: No.. idiot. I'm just curious. LA is good place. That's why.

Forth: I go to LA as my dad need me to be there but as time move I started to feel like I missed something important for me.

Beam felt Forth's voice slowly changing.

Forth: but I guess I'm quite late. I lost them eventually.

Beam don't understand what Forth is saying but he felt sad looking at Forth.

Beam: Don't be sad Forth.. what belong to you will eventually come to you.

Forth: Not in all situations Beam. Now, it already belong to someone.

Forth smile with pain.

Beam: Forth ... you are good. I'm sure you will get it back.

Forth look at Beam.

Forth: I missed you Beam. I shouldn't have reject your love. Can I get back your love for me?

#To Be Continue.
Comment you thoughts...will Beam accept? 😉😉😉

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