The new "boyfriend"

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I ran out only to see Mattheo on top of axel who was bleeding. I just looked at it with tears in my eyes. I ran out and locked myself in my dorm.

1 week later
I was still locked in my room and refused to come out or eat. Finally I went out but only for class. I walked down to potions

Y/n omg I've missed you so much. Snape said pulling me into a hug. I could see he cares alot

You can go to your seat. Now. He said.

I sat down and waited for class to start. Mattheo and the others walked in all happy like they didn't care that I was gone at all. Wich made me wanna cry.

They all sat down. Snape then called me over.

Y/n dear I can see your not okay still and I wanna know would you like to sit up here with me? He asked.

Yes plz.I said looking at Mattheo then the ground

K go grab your stuff. He said.

I grabbed my stuff and was about to go to my new seat but mattheo grabbed my arm.

What. I said in a mad tone

We're are you going. He asked.

I moved seats. I said he then let my hand go.

After classes I was walking to my dorm but got stopped by Fred

Y/n let's go you havnt eaten in a week let's go eat. He said while pulling me. I finally got out of his grip

I'm not going. I said and then bumped into snape.

Come on y/n Your gonna go eat. He said pulling me into the hall. H ethen sat me down at slythern. I didn't eat I just drank some water. I was left and then went into my dorm to cry about my so called 'friends'

I then decided to go on a walk so I got up and walked I. The commenroom. I saw the gang there so I turned back but got stopped by pancy.

Why are you ignoring us but talking to others. She said mad.

Maybe because you don't care as much as they do. I said

Ofc we care but you don't she said letting go and leaveing

Wow mudblood I thought you were better but no your just a selfish jerk. Draco said while walking out with Blaise. I ran to my room and cried for 3 weeks nonstop.

Alhamora. I heard someone say. It was dad aka snape.

Sweatie What's wrong people say every time they walk by your room they hear you crying.. dad asked.

Well... I lost my friends and now they all hate me. I said with tears falling down my cheeks

Who. He asked

Pancy,Draco,Blaise,and Mattheo. I said now bolling my eyes out.

He left and then came back with food. Here eat this. He said the. Left.

I ate the food and then lain in bed crying untill dad and Mattheo were there in my room. I didn't move and kept eating.

Y/n here I talked to mattheo so they and explain the argument to him ok. He said leaving.

I was now in a room with Mattheo alone. So why did you say we don't care about you like the other do. He asked crossing his arm.

Because I noticed you guys not careing one bit that I was starving and had not came out of my room for like 3 weeks. I said with more tears rolling down my face.

I admit we did forget about you but when you didn't talk to us we felt sad and unloved. He said sitting down next to me.

Thanks and sorry for getting mad at you guys. I said smiling

No problem. By the way I heard you have a problem with axel. He said

Yeah why.

Because I have a problem with astroia and if we fake date we could get them off our backs. He said smiling

K so we start now. I asked

Yeah but we don't have to in closed doors, he said then left

The next day I sat down with Matthew Draco, Blaise, and Pansy.

Why are you here moodblood. Draco said to me

Look I'm sorry for what happens I just thought you guys didn't care for me anymore I said holding back tears.

We forgive you pancy said.

Thank you. I said with a smile

Oh yeah and me and y/n are dateing.. Matthew stated.

Wait really omg I'm so happy for you. Pancy shouted.

The uncared for Wesley (matteoxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now