The Funeral

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He couldn't think, he was internally panicking on why the vampire didn't rip his heart out. Without thinking, he pushed the vampire away and then he falls onto his back. The vampire staggers back before chuckling.

"What do you want?!" He demanded as he got back up, holding the axe. The vampire glares at him before smirking.

"I want you to be my decoy, that's all."

"What do you-." Immediately, Bloom runs past Jerry, leaving him stunned. He snaps out of it and began to chase him up the stairs. Bloom then reaches the top and immediately runs through the crowd of hunters, freaking them out. Cory notices the vampire and began to chase it down.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY!!" He yelled as he took out his flintlock and began shooting at the vampire. Neither the vampire nor the newbie hunters were hurt from the bullets fired. Jerry then catches up to Cory.

"Hey, Jerry! Cmon, catch this vampire with me now, will ya?" Cory asked as he continued to shoot.

"Sure, I'm also chasing him!" Jerry said before they both continued to chase the Firebrace vampire. The vampire looks behind him and groans before a fire circle appeared around him, causing hunters to back off.

"Tch, you two are so annoying. Why not give up the chase? There's always the next time." He mocked as he licked the blood on his palm. Cory's eye widened when he saw the blood on his palm.

"D-did you...did you kill someone?!" He demanded. Bloom looks at Cory before chuckling.

"Why yes, I did. I think it was-" Suddenly, something zoomed towards Bloom, grabbing his head and hitting the ground with great force. Gusts of wind blew everywhere from the landing, blowing away some frail newbie hunters. Some of the other newbie hunters helped the frail one while Cory and Jerry were holding their ground. Jerry lowers his arms to see what happened and it was Tinker, holding Bloom's face forcefully.

"Tinker!" Jerry yelled out.

"Not now." She told him. Jerry was confused until he noticed a small little flame near her throat. The other hunters, on the other hand, were confused about why a vampire was attacking the advanced vampire.

"Ahh, Tinker Bellavia, the only survivor of the hunter attack. I see you've betrayed your kind to help these pesky little disgusting and foolish of you." He said, angering Tinker.

"You better shut your pretty little mouth or your skull's gonna be the first to crack!" She threatened him. Bloom smirks, chuckling.

"Oh, you and your empty little lies...I can just freeze you right here and then and let this flame kill you then I'll kill the rest let me go and I'll spare all of these people, including you so that your bloodline won't disappear off the earth." Bloom sealed.

"Bloom, that is not true." Jerry spoke up. Bloom moves his eye at Jerry, listening.

"Kitsuo Bellavia is alive, and she had a probability of revival." Jerry said. Tinker's eyes were looking at Jerry, with shock.

"Hmm, maybe I'll add her to the deal, too. You'll see your family whole again in-."

"Fine." She said as she let go of Bloom and got off of him.

"Finally, about time this disobedient vampire listened." Bloom said as he got up and patted himself down.

"I'm only doing this because of my sister." Tinker said, staring at Bloom angrily.

"Ah, but of course. Family is family, after all, hmm?" He said with a mocking tone before turning into a bat and flying off into the night sky. Tinker stared at him, angry. She clenched both of her fists in anger.

"I'll kill you if you find my sister and kill her again." She gritted through her teeth as the ring of fire around her disappears. All of the newbie hunters were then evacuated by the advanced hunters and out of the Hunter Corps. Cory looked around for his wife, concerned.

"Jerry, where's Lara?!" He asked him. Jerry looks at him then his face changes to a regretful one.

"Follow me." He said before heading for the cellar. Cory was confused but yet follows him. He walks down the stairwell, lanterns glowing. He then reaches the area where Lara was killed and stared at the motionless body. Cory looks at it, his eyes widening.

"LARA!!" He yelled as he runs over to the body. He kneels beside it, slightly carrying her.

"No, no, no, this can't be happening..." Cory said as he shakes her a little. He turns to look at Jerry.

"We can still revive her, right!? Just like with Kitsuo Bellavia, the vampire!" He asked, tears forming in his singular eye.

"No, we can't. The only reason why Kitsuo Bellavia can walk freely on this planet of ours is that she was a vampire. Lara isn't one." Jerry explained.

"Well then, why not turn her into a vampire?!"

"She's already dead." Jerry said.

"No! There has to be a way!" Cory snapped as he looks at his dead wife. He then looks at Jerry again, this time tears rolling down his face.

"There has to be...right?" He asked, his voice getting a bit sadder. Jerry looks at him then at the ground before shaking his head. Cory stares in dismay before breaking down and screaming. He hugs the corpse closely to him, crying. Jerry stares at Cory's crying, saddened by it but somewhat calm. Not a single tear was shed.

"What's wrong?!" a familiar voice yelled. Neither Jerry nor Cory turned around to see who it was. Hooper rushes down to the cellar, along with Triana. He looks at Jerry then at Cory before realising. He then wraps the chains back onto his arms and slowly walks over to Cory, still grieving. Jerry was about to tell them when he felt hesitation run through his body. It was as if someone didn't want him to tell the rest. He just kept silent as Cory continuing mourning, still hugging his dead wife close.

The Firebrace Vampire{NSP X Vampirism Mod}Where stories live. Discover now