Part 1 of Jade and Cate's Adventures

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Early in the morning, two friends are talking in a tree house.

Jade, while watching something: I have an idea! Why don't we start a channel like these YouTubers?

Cate: What will we make it about?

Jade: Maybe some gaming or vlogs?

Cate: Let's make the channel first.

A few minutes later Jade and Cate made their channel. Then Chris comes in.

Chris: Hi guys what are you doing?

Both: We're making a channel *both start laughing because they said it at the same time*

Chris: Cool! Can I be a part of it?

Cate: Oh, sure! The more the merrier! Why are you here anyways?

Chris: Oh nothing I'm just bored, I'm also looking for my phone.

Jade: Oh yeah, I think I saw it in Cate's room.

Chris: Okay thanks! *Heads to Cate's room*

Cate: Now that that's out of the way let's try making our first vlog.

Jade: Okay sure! *Both go to the living room and get their camera*

They start recording.

Both: Hello guys! Welcome to Jade and Cate's Everyday!

Cate: We'll post about random things in our everyday life!

Jade: Yes that's very true! We can also do random challenges!

Where Catie and Jaden are watching.

Catie: Jaden we gotta do something about this we can't let them get more popular than us!

Jaden: Right! Let's hire a professional hacker. Orchid!

Orchid: Yes Sir! What is it?

Catie: Search for hackers online and when you find a good one call them and pay them to hack for us!

Orchid: Yes Ma'am I'll try my best! *goes into another room*

Orchid talking to herself: Hmm, what should I do?! I am bad at looking and searching for people.

Orchid: Aha! I forgot I'm a professional hacker so I could do it myself

A few minutes later the hacker called Justanormalguy101 is chatting with Catie and Jaden.

Justanormalguy101: Hello how may I help you?

Catie: We need you to hack the channel Jade and Cate.

Justanormalguy101: Okay what will I do with it.

Jaden: I will send you the channel link *sends it*

Catie: We want you to post these videos. *sends two videos*

Justanormalguy101: Okay I will do it right now. *hacks the channel and posts the videos*

The next day at school. Jade and Cate's classmates make fun of them because of the videos the hacker posted.

Chris, running to Jade and Cate: uhhh guys why did you post this video? *Shows videos of Jade and Cate dancing and singing badly*

Jade: Oh no! We didn't do this!

Cate: How did this happen?

Catie, with Jaden, walking past them: Bad singing, we could ask a vocal teacher to help you, but that won't do a thing. *laughs with Jaden, walks away*

Cate: Ugh, Catie and Jaden.

Jade: Pffft, I am not surprised. So how do we fix this?

Someone drags them into the janitor's closet.

Cate: Who's there?

Someone turns on the lights.

Orchid, who turned on the lights: Chill out, it's me.

Jade: Oh, Orchid? Why did you drag us here?

Orchid: Catie and Jaden made me put those horrible videos on your channel. I'm really sorry I had to do it.

Cate: It's okay, I heard that they're making their own channel, so you want to get revenge?

Orchid: Oh I do, I really do!! How do we do it?

Jade: You just leave that to us!

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