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I'll update today because it's Zayn's birthday!! He isn't included in the chapter tho but oh well. Enjoy!


The Lamborghini took corners at alarming speeds, screeching around bends and hightailing it on lengthier stretches of road.

The streets were completely deserted.

That is excluding a short ways behind where 4 black range rovers sped after the fleeing car with alarming precision. 

Harry was holding on for dear life, briefly looking back to see the cars gaining on him. 


11:58pm. Oh no.


"Doesn't this thing go any faster?!"

Louis was distraught. This boy could be going anywhere in Britain! They can't lose him.


The car made several sharp turns through the dense streets, Harry wasn't sure how exactly he was supposed to make it home in less than 5 minutes when it had taken over 30 to arrive at the castle.

He was very worried.

The cars seemed to have lost him momentarily and Harry was about to let out a sigh of relief when he heard a buzz from his watch.

It's midnight.

As clocks all over Britain began to buzz and chime, Harry's car began shrinking and becoming more... carrot-like.

He flung open the door and rolled out.

Just in time apparently as his dress was suddenly transforming back into the jeans and t-shirt it once was.

Finally a single carrot lay in the middle of the road.

Harry sat in the gutter for a moment, panting and a little bruised, when 4 black range rovers sped past.

Then it was quiet. Very very quiet.

He stood up and dusted himself off before walking to the nearest bus stop. 

Sitting in the dim light of a street lamp with spots of rain beginning to fill the sky, Harry waiting for the bus. What a wonderful night.


Louis fell onto his bed and groaned into his pillow.

"That was the worst night of my life."

He had spent the last few hours driving aimlessly through the streets with maybe 10 of the Royal guards in search of his boy but he seemed to just... vanish.

"Come on Lou, I know you're upset but you can't spend all day in bed sweetie." Jay was rubbing circles into his back. 

"I want to see him again." He lifted his head out of his pillow and looked pointedly at his mother. As if she could make the boy reappear at a snap of her fingers.

"We'll figure something out honey."

It wasn't long after she left the room that there were whispering and giggles coming from outside his bedroom door.

Moments later and the door had practically been knocked from its hinges as it banged open to reveal 4 squealing princesses.

"Louis! Louis! Louis!" Daisy was chanting as she tried to get him up from his bed.

"How was the party last night?!" Phoebe sat on the other side and hit him with a pillow.

"How is that boy you were with?" Lottie sat on the desk beside his bed and when Louis looked up at her a little, she winked and he groaned, turning away from her.

"Is Lou in loooove?!" Félicité grinned at him, trying the pry the pillow covering his face from his grasp.

"Go away..." he mumbled out.


"Dad! Dad! Father!!" 

Harry winced. 

Eleanor's screeching was impossibly loud that morning as he did the washing up in the kitchen and it was not helping the piercing headache he now harboured. 

He wished he could've gotten to bed earlier but it was 1am by the time he fell asleep and was woken up during the night from the noise of his step-relatives arriving an hour later.

"Have you seen this?! It's everywhere! All over Instagram and Snapchat, even in our newspaper! Louis Tomlinson found the one he wants to marry and- it's a guy?!" 

Harry poked his head out from around the door to see Simon snatching her phone away from her to read the article.

"Apparently they danced together all night but then he mysteriously vanished before the party even ended. Louis' been looking for him all morning. 

And get this, he left behind a glass shoe. Just like Cinderella!" 

Kendall was gossiping with Eleanor near the door to the kitchen so Harry heard every word.

Did he dance with a prince? Was that guy Louis Tomlinson? I mean... it would explain the cars chasing him down... and the mention of his shoe... 

Holy shit he totally danced with a prince and that prince now totally wants to marry him... holy fuck.

He turned away, silently screaming in joy.


Hope you enjoyed! The next chapter should be here soon!!

Love you all!

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