The Ark Of Falling From The Sky

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The French girl sat beside Mavislin.

"Do you think I am rational?" asked Mavislin, absent-mindedly twirling her fingers.

"It is considered unwise to judge a book by its cover. But truth to be told, you don't strike me as a normal human," replied Jeanette.

"And the reason is?"

"The look in your eyes. They hold more conflict than I've ever gone through. Your combat skills, they dwarf the skilled gladiators that I've known and fought alongside with," explained the French girl.

"But do the conflicts and experience define who we truly are?"

Jeanette took a deep breath, closing her eyes for just a moment. She turned and smiled. It wasn't a grin, a smirk, or happiness. It was a genuine, gentle, and tender smile. She then tousled the young Valkyrie's hair.

"It's not the age or the past that a being has gone through. What matters is the person you chose to be."

"I guess I'm not cut out to be a rational being or perfect person," conveyed the Valkyrie, hugging her legs towards her chest.

"Is that why you wanted to polish up your skills so eagerly?"

"I was too weak back then. My people died because I was not courageous enough to carry out decisions and fight."

"You don't have to waste time dwelling in the past when there is so much more to experience in the present time."

"I'm not good enough with my weaponry. My skills are nowhere near perfect compared to my peers or foes. If I could be perfect, then..."

The Valkyrie's words were cut short by Jeanette enveloping her, much to Mavislin shock. The young girl gave a sad look before softly saying a few words which stick with the Valkyrie for the years to come.

"You shouldn't strive for perfection. What you should be consistently aiming for is to strive for your best."

Mavislin smiled weakly, letting out a self-mocked laugh. Why was she worried about being perfect? What was the reason for wielding the shield in her hands? It wasn't to be perfect. No, the answer was clear now.

The Valkyrie was training so hard because she considered her skills as a Mage to be not enough to protect those she cared for.

"You're right. No point dwelling in the past. But the point still stands, I need to be able to be stronger than what I am now."

"There's no shame in upgrading your skills as a warrior. But do not lose sight of what your main goal is."

The serene atmosphere was broken by the sound of a screaming Time Mage, plummeting down from the sky.

"What in God's name is that?!" yelled Jeanette, jumping out of harm's way.

"Perhaps next time, we could use some sort of a proper vehicle or something," murmured a young girl, who stood behind the confused Time Mage.

The young girl had a small physique. Her eyes were like droplets from the ocean, the bluest of blue. Her auburn hair was adorned with precious jewels and a purple tiara. Her gown made sure to inform others that she was of royalty status. Mavislin huffed in disgust while Jeanette remained vigilant.

"As I said, I am not a Time Traveller. I'm merely agreeing to complete this because I owe you."

"Or is it because of my unique charm?" flirted the foreign girl.

The girl batted her eyelids and rubbed her shoulders with Raiyen's back. This earned a glare from Mavislin.

"Sorry but I've got someone else in my mind."

"Oh come on! I'm a princess, won't you want a girl of my riches?"

"One trip was what I promised and one trip is all you are going to get."

Mavislin decided to make herself known to the two bickering before her. By using the only item in her hands, she stabbed the shield into the earth. This shook the ground, causing the princess to nearly fall.

"Watch what you are doing, commoner!" yelled the flirtatious foreigner.

"So much for forbidding you from following me," said Mavislin, completely ignoring the feisty princess beside Raiyen.

Raiyen looked at Mavislin with confusion. He scanned around, seemingly lost.

"What do you mean?" asked the Time Mage.

"Oi, don't ignore me!" cried out the princess.

"Can it, you whore of Babylon," scolded Mavislin, effectively shutting the whiny princess up.

"I told you not to follow me during my private training. But, here you are," said Mavislin, sighing heavily.

Raiyen wanted to protest but he decided not to as she would figure it out later on. The problems with being a Time Mage. Rule number one, make sure to remember promises from the past when coming from the future.

It was on top of what had happened that Mavislin realized something seemed off. Raiyen was not wearing his battle gear. Sure, he had a couple of clothes that were out of the Time Period, but this was way off.

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