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The loud laughter of women echoed in the place. They jab at each other in a joking manner.

They have no gentle manners when they drank, or eat, or talk.

They all look manly and harsh. But somehow, a few people on the side glance at their table with a blushing faces.

Hana would've sworn and ashamed to be at the same table with these rough uneducated women, but...

Hana glanced sideways at the gentle and feminine males on the sides. And the virtuous pretty females on the other, and the rough males, like them, laughing on the other table.

Hana felt her face blackened.

She was thankful to go out of that apocalyptic world. Thankful that someone saved her in this world and brought her to the infirmary.

But this..

She has felt it, a little odd. Like seeing a tall manly female flirting a pretty little girl on the wall.

Or a tall rough man kissing a little feminine boy on the side. She thought it was fine, because in her old world, this is normal in the military.

Not until she suddenly woke up with a sour throat, a head ache. And felt like her lower body is tingling, not painful but extremely itchy.

She just did what any woman would do in the morning, she did not even gave it any mind. She walked to the rest room, lowered down her pants, then.. an anaconda sprang free.


Her shout echoed in the whole infirmary. Making the place startled that they thought another war had started.

A dick..

Then she learned that there are 4 genders in this new world. A female, a male, a duo and a sub male.

A duo is a feminine male who has the ability to carry children.

And a sub male is a manly woman who had the ability to .. create.. ehem. A child.

And somehow.. she has now became a sub male.

Hana glared in between her legs. Almost wanting to cut the huge thing sleeping in between her.

A slap on the shoulder made her startle.

"Hey Hana. You're wound has healed right? I've heard you're a retired soldier? Want to go to the knight recruits?"

The manly woman smiled at her.

Hana grinned and shook her head. "Nah. I think I'm good, "

A war has just passed when she came here, so when they found her wounded and carried her here, no one doubted her identity when she said she was a soldier.

The people here with her are also soldiers, now that the war has passed. The king made an announcement, they are now recruiting Knight's.

A soldier and a knight are definitely not the same.

Knights have more power, they have more salary, and they are the ones who are designated to protect the palace, or nobles.

And the soldiers.. more or less just pawns to be sent to the war.

She wanted to sigh, but this new ancient world is better than the apocalypse.

"Eh? You don't want to be a knight? Why not? Come on Hana.." another jokingly hugged her in the neck. "Imagine the life you can have as a knight.. women,duo, luxury, power.. isn't it exciting?"

Her eyes are shining.

But Hana gently shook her head an brush her off. She chuckled. She drank on the cup with a smirk. "I will go back home and farm"

Even if she doesn't have a place to call home in this world.

But she will definitely farm!

All of them looked at her in shock. "Farm?"

"En.. why? Is there something wrong with that?"

"Well.. no. But.. don't you like to be a knight Hana?" Isn't it everyone's dream? To find a way to climb up the ladder?

Hana chuckled. "Silly.. of course I want that too. Power and luxury.. hehe. But.. I think I'm tired of it too. So I'll just go back and farm"

"Well.. if that's what you want" they gave her a slap in the shoulder. Hana laughed at the solemn atmosphere.

It's always been like this.

Even if you don't know each other, but the comradery is still strong when it comes to the soldiers.

A week later, the day she has been waiting for has come.

They shouted her a good bye.

Hana felt a little reluctance. The first place she entered in this new world, the first place where she made friends.

But looking forward.. hey, it's a new life.


She did not know where to go, or where her feet will take her. She just walked on a strange path, she just let where fate take her.

She met villagers, ate at someone's house who is generous enough. Slept under a shade, or if lucky sleep in a shed.

She rode a wagon, then walked.. and walked.. and then she came to a town, then in that town, she chose a road that will take her in her forever home.

It was a long journey, but felt like everything is worth it.

As she was learned to be a soldier who had retired, before she left, they gave her 4 Silver's.

Already a big money for commoners, but still a little for a soldier who had fought in the war for their own country.

Hana had enough money to buy a small house, and enough plot of land to farm.

She is a little wary, this place looks ancient, and definitely their kind of thinking is different from a modern person like her.

Then she saw this village.

It was called the nightlift village. And it is near the ocean! The perfect place she had always dreamt of!

After asking for some direction, she finally found the village chiefs house. She knocked on the door,

Then an old man opened it and stared at her with sharp eyes.

Hana smiled politely. "Hello, i am currently looking for a home"


Old Fuego look stern and grumpy, but he is actually a jolly old man. He invited her in his house, she also met his wife, aunt Helga who she persisted to be called by her.

She seem to brought back the memory of their dead child who was also a soldier.

Then after the transaction, old Fuego toured her around the town. Then she finally decided to leave a little far away from the village, on a hill.

"Uncle Fuego, "Hana gave him her 3 silver. She saw how shocked he is at the amount.

"Hana.. this is too much, really too much. You are young, you use this to find a wife."

Hanas lips twitched. "Uncle.. it's fine.. beside, I was also planning to buy at least all the plot of land in this hill. And build a house.. it's enough"

Old Fuego was finally persuaded.

Hana smiled and look at her small bamboo home with delight.

That's it! Everythings going on track!

A transmigrated farm life of a retired soldierWhere stories live. Discover now