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"Huh? What will i do again?"

Old fuego is looking for people to work in the palace, the palace is cleaned but the garden and its sorroundings are not. Causing the grass in the place to be overgrown.

The villagers are good workers.

They just have to clean the garden and other places for some money and everyone will be happy.

Hana still have enough money, but it seems like the old couple really need some help. She could be a big help,

The good thing that she really like is the strength and her enhanced body. Although she also gained a...


Its a good thing that her body also felt better and stronger than before.

"Well.. If its just moving some heavy things i could do that. No need for money, im free anyway" Hana wanted to help them. They had already done enough for her, who they treated as their real child, a stranger.

Old fuego just smiled, but he still kept in mind to give her money after the work is done.

Hana started to prepare, she took her bolo with her. The sudden knocking from the door made her look up and frown. Did old fuego came back and forget something?

Hana opened the door "Why is there--"

"Boss!" Sheena's wide smile was like the sun. Blinding.

Opposite to Sheena's excited face, Hana wrinkled her face and sighed. "Sheena.. How many times do i have to tell u. No" she turn her back and sat down. She wore the straw slippers, atleast it could bring a little comfort to her feet when she work.

"But.. Im running out of time. Please boss, have mercy on me. I cant take the pressure anymore.."

Hana sighed again. She watch Sheena's crying face in the corner of her eyes and sighed. "Ok.. Ill help u."


"Oy! Youre going too! I didnt enter the palace until now" Hana smiled at the man walking beside her.

"What do u mean? I thought the palace was abandoned at first"

"No no.. U see, this whole village is part of the Duke's territory." Marcos explained, "The Duke and his family loves to come here for a visit and have a vacation, with their help, our village wont be as successful as it is now"

Hana nodded in understanding, the road up the mountain became more enjoyable with the people around her talking.

They laughed happily until they saw old fuego and his wife infront of the palace.

The palace is already looking abandoned because of the lack of care.

The Duke did not came back here for 3 years, so it has became like this.

The villagers did expect them to come this year, but surprisingly the beautiful duo son of the duke only came with his servants and guards.

No one knew the reason why, and they never saw Dole since he came back, he was too beautiful for his own good so its normal and understandable for him to stay inside.

"Oy! Lets start with the walls! Remove the grass and vines on the wall! Then patch up the cracks! The women and duo inside to clean the palace!" old fuego made an announcement.

Many are willing to come clean because it not only gave them money, but also made them interact with the villagers and enjoy their time.

Hana and a few males and sub male stayed outside and listen to old fuegos instructions.

Sheena didnt came today, hana understands her. She must be having a hard time herself.

"Hana!" old fuego called.

Hana put back her bolo on its sheath. And look back at the old man with a questioning gaze.

He signalled her to come over. "Can u help mr take care of the horses? U just have to put them in their stalls."

Hana nodded.

He seems so busy with instructing the others.

Walking to the direction old fuego had pointed, she saw a few magnificent horses running all over the open space. With maids dragging the reigns but not one horses budge in their places.

She finally realised why..

Gaga pouted. She put all her strength in pulling the reign of the most beautiful black horse in the lawn. Who is still chewing boredly on a grass and did not budge in place.

"Why! Cant! U! Just! Move!!!" she gave one last pull. And finally wanted to cry in defeat.

It was the first time again that her beloved master Dole finally wanted to stroll in horse! But why isnt this horse cooperating!

Dole was wearing a normal clothes. He sighed and watch gaga cried in defeat.

Even he cant do anything about this horse.

"Hello.. Im sorry. Do u need any help?" Dole frozed. His body suddenly stiffened. Why is there a person? Why? This person will also stare at him like he is some kind of trash! They all do!

Gaga look back and was surprised to see a sub male. She recognized her as such because of the mark under her eyes.

"Oh.. We do need" but when her gaze goes to her master and saw her stiffened body. Gaga changed her face. "Ahm .. No.. No thank u"

Dole lowered his head.

Hana glanced at the thin tender youth and there was a smile on her lips. She remember him, he was the owner of that eyes with beautiful blue orbs gazing at her in the carriage.

"I believe we have met before.. " her voice is directed to Dole.

Gaga panicked. "Ahaha this miss, i think youre mistaken" she was worried that this person learn about the rumour in the capital and also one of those people who wanted to bully her master.

Hana noticed her antics, and lowered her eyes.

"I dont mean any harm, i can lead you the horse."

Dole frowned. How many people had seen his face and gave a disgusting expression.

He sighed. Its not like nobody saw how monstrous his face is now. He had been used to the disgust, why should he hide?

Dole raised his head and turn to her.

Hana's face was calm, there was no surprise or any expression on her face.

She look at her face with a few moments, dole had never expected her to smile at him. "Your eyes are really pretty.."

Then she turned to gaga who was stunned and took the rope from her hands.

The stubborn horse made a few stomping on the ground.

When Hana put a hand on its nose, it calmed down and followed behind her obediently.

Hana faced the stunned youth with a smile. She offered her hand.. "Let me help you"

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