Chapter 7

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Dr. St. Cross sat in his home office wearing a phone headset and numbly shifting his wheelchair back and forth by the wheels. His jade eyes were fixed on the large glass aquarium across the room, in which several brightly colored snakes slid noiselessly over a tangle of branches. The music coming through the headset was painfully monotonous, but he patiently waited.

"American Sentience Movement, how may I help you?" a voice said finally.

"Intern Jack Stickney, please," the shrink requested.

"Hold please."

The music resumed briefly, then the line clicked, and Stickney answered.

The psychiatrist spoke briskly: "Jack, it's Dr. St. Cross from Saint Michael Hospital."

"Oh. Hello, Doc." The intern on the line sounded less than thrilled.

"I wonder if you could tell me where Chester Williams is. I can't seem to contact him; he's out of town, I'm told."

"Yes, he's out of town. He will check his messages when he gets back."

"You couldn't just tell me where he is?"

"Why in the world would I do that?"

"C'mon Jack, you know why I'm calling. I can't seem to get in touch with Dr. deTarlo either, and it's urgent."

"It would have to be extremely urgent."

"Oh it is. It's in regards to their patient."

"Their patient." If Jack knew what St. Cross was talking about, he was doing a good job of sounding clueless.

"Look, it's no secret that Kelly Road got a green light. I just need to talk with deTarlo or Chester as soon as possible."

Jack sighed a long, heavy sigh. He sounded very put out, but he always did. St. Cross had been in contact with this particular intern several times over the last year in his mission to bring Aidriel to the attention of the organization's lead Passerist. Finally, Jack had given in and written a report about the case, which he sent to Williams, who had read and dismissed it. Ever since, Stickney didn't bother to hide his annoyance when the psychiatrist continued to call him.

St. Cross could hear Jack tapping his keyboard and making soft affirmations to himself while he looked for information. It surprised the shrink that the intern didn't know immediately where Kelly Road was located.

"How's your internship going, by the way?" St. Cross asked in a friendly tone.

"Could be better."

"Oh, I apologize, but my offer to show you around the Psychology Center will have to be postponed indefinitely."


"I had an accident and find myself confined to a chair on wheels."

"A car accident?"


"You couldn't reach anyone at Kelly Road 'cause they aren't there anymore."

St. Cross was simultaneously surprised and concerned.

"Where are they?"

"The most current status says they're in Ohio, traveling northwest by car. The itinerary appears to be to meet the jet in Cleveland."

"They're on the move, then."


"Is there any way to get a message to them?"

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