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Davina Ajayi
15th December 2009
3:56 pm

School ended about 20 minutes ago and the girls and I were walking around the town centre looking for God knows what. It was freezing outside and I only had my school uniform, a scarf and a pair of gloves on and I wasn't warm at all! My fingers had gone numb and my ears and the tip of my nose were sore from the extremely cold weather. The sky was getting darker and the Christmas decorations and streetlights had turned on, illuminating the streets and making them look even brighter. We continued walking until we got to the mall doors. Sarah pulled the doors open and a warm gust of air covered us all and we all sighed, budging up underneath it.

It felt like we had been standing under it for ages but according to the watch on my wrist, we'd only been here for 2 minutes. Sarah was the first to make a move and make her way up the escalators to the first floor.

"Guys come on if we don't start looking then we'll never find anything" Sarah huffed

Our friend Anna was moving back to Italy and we were planning her a small leaving party and we were looking for gifts to get her because her birthday was also coming up. We spotted a small jewellery shop on the first floor and we all gathered around the window, staring at the rings and bracelets. After arguing over what bracelet was the prettiest we eventually found a simple silver bracelet with silver tassels and a bright green gem attached. We decided that we would put her name on it, and have that written in some fancy writing.

"We're planning all this but we haven't even asked for prices yet," Cheyenne said folding her arms

We all chewed our lips and entered the store but turned right back around once we heard Sarah gasp.

"Nah that can't be true! Guys the bracelet cost £779! SEVEN HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-NINE GREAT BRITISH POUNDS?!" Sarah's face fell and the assistant fake smiled at her before walking off.

Sarah fanned herself and sighed out loud. We followed her outside and looked back in the window at the beautiful bracelet.

"It was so sexy too" Kayla pouted and slowly wiped her hand along the glass

"Maybe we should look somewhere else?" I shrugged and pointed at the small jewellery shop on the other side of the mall

We searched the other jewellery shop and found something identical to what we had found in the first one, except the gem was red and the tassels were black. We picked up a keychain with the letter 'A' and went to pay for the items. We put our little pieces of money together and thankfully it got us what we wanted so we walked out of the shop delighted with joy. Cheyenne and I made our way to Mr pretzel and waited in the queue whilst Sarah, Kayla and Niyah ran off to Primark in search of an outfit for Anna's leaving party. Cheyenne tapped my arm repeatedly and pointed across the mall at a group of kids from Addersfield performing arts and media school.

"What?" I picked up my pretzel from the counter and slowly bit into it

"There's that sexy white boy that we're always seeing on the bus," She said making sure to emphasise the sexy part. "He's staring at us now! Quick, turn around!"

Cheyenne grabbed my arm and pulled me to face the wall before pulling me away towards the escalator. She let out a loud sigh and wiped the imaginary sweat off of her forehead.

"Shit that was close! Do you reckon he saw us?" she leaned against the railing

"Duh! I can't bother with you sometimes" I fanned her off and went back to eating my pretzel

"DAVINA! DAVINA!" someone called

"He's coming! The sexy white boy is approaching us! Am I seeing correctly?" Cheyenne and I blinked repeatedly to see if we were seeing the same thing

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