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I was in Mexico helping these people navigate the stars.

Oh hi, everyone it's me Dan and like I said I'm in Mexico in a small town.

Oh I bet your wondering what am I doing here? Well to answer your question there was an ad where they needed Interns and I made the list and so I used my bracelet and came here.

And don't worry Kali agreed to watch my kids while I was gone so I know their in good hands.

And right now it was night and we we're checking the stars.

"I'll never get tired of this view at night"

"I know what you mean" Jane says.

Oh let me tell you who I'm working with.

First there's Jane Foster and she's the boss of this group and she does everything she can to record everything they see.

Erik Selvig is a doctor and an old man he's helping Jane with her research.

Darcy Lewis is another intern like me and she doesn't understand a lot of fancy words that Jane and Erik talk about, but she's helpful and she carried around taser for safety.
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Meanwhile on Asgard the young prince Thor was going to be crowned 👑 king.

But a few frost giants showed up and killed the Guard and Odin felt something and he knew what it was.

"Frost Giants" Odin says. He was about to summon the destroyer to stop them.

But he felt something else and they went to weapons room.

When they got there they a staff fighting the frost giants.

Odin then banged his staff and the destroyer killed the frost giants.

"Father that staff has not moved in centuries" Loki says.

"Yes and I wonder why now" Odin looks at the staff that was standing straight up on the floor.

"The Jotuns must pay for what they have done" Thor says.

"They did, with their lives" Odin says "the destroyer and the staff did it's work and we are safe"

Thor and Odin then got into an argument until Thor just walked away being mad.

Later that day Thor decided to go Jotunheim with his friends Fendral, Hogun, and Volstagg, and Lady Sif and Loki.

Later that day Thor decided to go Jotunheim with his friends Fendral, Hogun, and Volstagg, and Lady Sif and Loki

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After an encouraging speech they agreed to go with him.

So they went to the frost giants planet and they wanted answers, but when the leader pushed Thor's buttons he started a fight.

At first they were winning but then Thor got cocky and the frost giants Brought out even more warriors as they fought.

They were losing and Just then there was a flash of light and Oden appeared he saved Thor and his friends and Loki and then went back to Asgard.

Just when they got back they saw a guard there next to Heimdall.

"My king the staff is acting up" the guard says.

"How so?" Odin asks.

"It flew right out of the weapons vault and came here after you left" the guard says.

"The staff has been asleep for years and now it wakes up and flies here" Odin says "we'll handle that later" he looks at his sons and their friends "get them to the healing room"

The guards then take them away.

And they had a angry talk. Until Odin decided to strip Thor of his power and armor and he opened the space bridge and sent Thor through it.

The staff then went into the bridge.

And then Odin put an enchantment on the hammer and throw it through the portal.

"My king" Heimdall "what about the staff? It's gone to earth with your son"

"The staff has a mind of its own and it must have a reason why it wants to go" Odin says "keep an eye on it and tell me what it does"

"As you wish my king" Heimdall says.


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Dan meets ThorWhere stories live. Discover now