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It was night on earth the group was getting ready to leave when all of sudden a weird storm showed up and they lost control and ran into someone.

Just then the storm stopped and they got out.

"I think that was legally your fault" Darcy says.

"Darcy, shut up" Dan says.

"Get the first aid kit" Jane says. And goes to the body "do me a favor and don't be dead"

They then see him open his eyes and sit up.

"Whoa. Does he need CPR?" Darcy asks "because I totally know CPR" she says holding the first aid kit.

Thor groans and lays on his back.

"Where did he come from?" Jane asks.

"No idea" Dan says.

Thor then groans again and stands up and Wobbles a little bit as he walks.

"Are you alright?" Jane asks.

"Hammer?" Thor says. "Hammer"

"Yeah, we can tell you're hammered" Darcy says "it's pretty obvious"

Jane then saw the strange symbol on the ground and she got excited on what they saw.

Meanwhile Thor was yelling for his father and Heimdall and telling them to open the Bifrost, but nothing happened.

They got worried about his condition since they thought he was talking crazy and Jane decided hospital to where they would take him but she would stay but they said that she was gonna go to since it was her that was driving in the first place.

But when Thor got near them Darcy jumpy and tased him until he passed out since he was freaking her out.

After that they got him into the car and they had to make Jane come with them as they took him to the hospital to get him checked out.

Meanwhile in a different location two items fell from the sky and landed next to each other in the middle of the desert away from the town.

After a few minutes they made it to the hospital they had him signed in and they had to strap him down after what they told the doctors and the nurses.

Just then Dan heard something, but it was like a whisper of a ringing noice. But he just shook it off.

After Thor woke up he thought the doctors that were trying to hold him down but they were no match for him until one of the guards showed up and one of the doctors shove the needle into his neck to make him pass out again.


In the next morning a man was driving around when he saw the hammer and he tried to lift it but it wouldn't budget and he even tried the staff that was next to it but also could not lift it as well.

Meanwhile back at their place they were talking about what happened.

"You don't think this was just a magnetic storm, do you?" Erik asks.

"Look, the lensing around these edges" Jane says showing him on her computer "is characteristic of an Einstein-Rosen Bridge"

"A what?" Darcy asks being confused.

"I thought you were a science major?" Erik asks looking at Darcy.

"Political science" Darcy says.

"She was the second person to only applicant" Jane says.

"Allow me" Dan says walks to her "And Einstein Rosen bridge is a theoretical connection between two different points of space-time"

"In other words" Jane says "a wormhole"

"Exactly" Dan says.

"Quite impressive Dan, that you know so much" Erik says.

"Thank you" Dan says "I'm not just a pretty face" Darcy laughs and Dan does too "I couldn't help myself"

"Erik, look. What do you see?" Jane shows him a piece of paper with stars.

"Stars" Erik says.

"Yeah, but not our stars" Jane says.

"She's right" Dan says "From this paper none of these compilations look like ours"

"See," she grabs another paper "this is the star alignment for our quadrant this time of year" she points to it "and unless Ursa Minor decided to take a day off, These are someone else's constellations"

"Hey" they look at Darcy "check this out"

They walked to her and she points to a picture they recorded when that weird storm happened and when they looked closer they saw a person in the middle of the storm.

"Woah" Dan says.

"No, it can't be" Erik says.

Jane then starts walking away as Dan follows her.

"What's going on?" Dan asks.

"I think I left something at the hospital" Jane says.

They then went with her and headed to the hospital.

When they got there they saw doctors and nurses all talking about how strong the guy they brought here was and now he put up one hell of a fight.

But when they made it to his room he was gone.

"Oh, my god" Darcy says.

They then ran out of the hospital and went back to the vehicle and got in.

"I just lost my most important piece of evidence" Jane says. "Typical"

"Well, it's a small town and he couldn't have gone far" Dan says.

"So now what?" Darcy asks.

"We find him" Jane says.

"Did you see what he did in there?" Erik asks "I'm not sure finding him is the best idea"

"Well, our data can't tell us what it was like to be inside that event, and he can" Jane says "so, we're gonna find him"

"So we're gonna look all over New Mexico, right?" Erik asks.

"Exactly" Jane says and starts backing up.

But as Jane was backing up she hit something.

"What?" They said and got out.

And saw that it was him.

"You've got to stop doing that" Dan says.

(I found it funny how she always runs him over lol 😂 )

"I'm so sorry. I swear I'm not doing this on purpose" Jane says.

They even take him into the vehicle and take him to their place.
Meanwhile back at the site where the hammer and the staff were at a lot of people were there now trying everything they could to move those things out of the ground but nobody was able to move them at all.

And an old man tried using his truck to move the hammer 🔨 and the staff, but all it did was rip the back of his truck as people laughed at it.

Just then a man drove up and saw what was going on and then he made a call telling his boss that they found it.

Just then a man drove up and saw what was going on and then he made a call telling his boss that they found it

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