Chapter 4

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It's been a week since I last saw y/n and she hasn't shown up to work. I gave her space, but now she was pushing her luck. After I finished work, I got in my car and drove to her house. I walk up to her front door and knock. After a few seconds, the door slowly opens, revealing y/n, but she looks like she's been crying and not sleeping. When she sees me, she closes the door in my face, but I grip the top of the door and push it open, and she backs away. "What do you want from me?" she asks. I approach her "you" after a long time of not seeing her. "Well, you can't have me," I growl, my inner wolf yearning to lunge. "What are you?" she cried, and I could feel my eyes shifting colours. She backs into the couch and fell on it, I stop and close my eyes to calm myself down." When I opened my eyes again, she was still on the couch. I went to sit by her, but she moved, making space between us. "I'm a werewolf, specifically an alpha," I say, but she's looking at her hand on her lap. "I can't understand it, but I feel a pull towards you, and my wolf and I simply want to control you and claim you as ours. I know it sounds strange, but I can't explain it," I said. "You don't have to," she says, taking my hand in hers. "I genuinely understand what you mean." "How's your nose?" I ask, looking at her. "It's alright, it was just a nosebleed," she says, her lips curling. "You're lying," I sense she's not as fine as she claims to be. She takes a glance at me "What?" she asked, her face a mix of surprise and astonishment. "Did I do that?" I ask, grabbing the end of her shirt and pushing it up slightly, displaying a large bruise on her side. "It's nothing really," she says as she pulls her shirt down. "It'll heal in a couple days." I get up and begin walking around the room, my nail piercing into my clinched fist, my wrath pouring over from assaulting her.

Y/n cuts in front of me, halting my progress. I growled at her, and she slowly grabbed my neck before pulling me down so our foreheads were touching "hey I'm here Olivia, calm down." She kept repeating that until I calmed down and returned to normal. I don't know what it was about y/n, but whenever I was around her, my emotions were 10x amplified, causing me to lose control more than I wanted myself to, and her eyes met mine, still pressed together "does this mean you're coming to work tomorrow." She giggled "sure."

"I have to go, we have work tomorrow," I say as I look at my watch. I remind her as I walk out the door, and she follows close behind. I come to a standstill and turn around, and she takes the front of my shirt and pulls me down for a kiss. It was brief and sweet, and we pull away, looking at one another. "I'll see you tomorrow," I say as I walk back to my car.


I'm at work on my computer when an email notice appears on my screen with no subject. I click on it and discover a photo attachment with a photo of me and y/n kissing at her apartment. "SHIT," I yelled. This is why I haven't gotten into any form of relationship outside the occasional fuck .Scrawled beneath the photo, read.

Give us 5 million dollars or your pretty little girlfriend will not be so pretty 

Who the fuck do these people think they are? There was no way in hell I was even gonna send them a dime.

I replied back

Go fuck yourself  

I rubbed my hands through my hair; this is why I prefer to be alone because having someone, especially someone as successful as me, meant that they were in danger. Just then, y/n entered my office and smiled at me, "hey, since it's lunchtime, I was wondering if you wanted to get something to eat?" I'm about to say yes when I recall the image sent to me just seconds ago, "no." I said no more harshly than I meant to, and her smile faded before she continued. "Perhaps we can-." "Listen, the fucks were good, but that was all it was," I cut her off. "But you told me last night that you felt something towards me," she says, frowning. "I merely said that to get in your panties," I mock. "You know what fuck you," she says, her face red with fury and a tear streaming down her cheek. She sprinted out the door.

Even though it stung a little, I had to get her at arms length since I couldn't afford to hurt her again.



I hurriedly exited the building, needing to get some fresh air. I walked far away from the building, not caring where I was heading. Olivia perplexed me because one minute she was all over me and the next she was pushing me away.

I mean she literally pushed my off her desk for christ sake 

It's dark outside, and I'm about to turn around to go back when I feel a fabric around my lips that smells like chemicals, and I'm pushed into a deeper alleyway by a set of arms. I try to move, kick, or scream, but I can feel myself slowly slipping away.


I haven't seen her in about an hour. I get up to open my office door to check on her, but when I look towards y/n's cubicle, I notice it's empty. I then stand in the middle of the floor, raising my voice for everyone to hear, "has anyone seen miss y/l/n?" All of my employees look up at me but remain silent until a girl, who I believe has been working here for a year, speaks up and says, "um, I saw her run out of your office earlier and head into the elevator." When I look at her, she bows her head. "Thank you everyone, please return to what you were doing." I shout as I walk back into my office, staring out the window at the city.

Where are you y/n? 

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