Chapter 8

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The next morning, Harry wrote a letter to Remus and Sirius, recounting the previous night's events. He went to the owlery straight away, and sent Hedwig with his message. On his way back, Harry rounded the corner and-Smack! He ran right into Hagrid.

"Hey Hagrid. I know you know a lot about Magical creatures. Can I ask you something?"
Harry asked
Hagrid replied "Why sure Harry, yeh can ask me anything."
"Have you ever seen a 3 headed dog?" Harry asked. "Why sure I have! I raised one!" Hagrid answered. "By chance is it on the third floor?" Harry ventured. "How did yeh find Fluffy?" Hagrid asked. Harry explained "Please don't tell Dumbledore or my Aunt Minerva. I don't want them to find out from someone else. I was lost last night and I found Fluffy while I-wait Fluffy?"
"Yeah, I got Fluffy off some Greek fella a few years ago at the pub. I was glad when Dumbledore asked me if I had any creature he could use to... I've said too much." Hagrid said.
"Hagrid, wait!" Harry shouted, but Hagrid had already taken off in the other direction.

"Harry, eat your breakfast. You need your strength for your first match today!" Ron said.
"Are you excited, Harry?" Hermione asked
"Psyched! Plus my Uncles and Millie are coming to see the game. Aunt Minerva has told me lots of tips and tricks from when she used to play quidditch. She is expecting a good match today." Harry explained.

Fred and George came over "feast your eyes on the youngest seeker in a century!" Fred proclaimed. "Those bloody Slytherins don't stand a chance!" George added. "You've got this Harry" Fred said with a wink.

"Alright, alright boys, let's get out to the quidditch pitch. We have a game to win" Oliver Wood announced as he passed. All 3 boys joined him along with the chasers: Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, and Katie Bell.

"Alright, I want a nice clean game. All of you." Madame Hooch proclaimed as she looked around the circle. Her look lingered on the Slytherin captain. "On your brooms, get set..." Madame Hooch blew her whistle and the balls were released. Harry flew above to goals and to the side where he could look for the snitch. He watched as the quaffle was passed between his teammates and the Slytherins. He heard Lee Jordan's voice over the speaker "And Johnson scores! That's 10 points to Gryffindor!" ... "Nice block from Wood! Way to keep those Slytherins out!" "Jordan!" Aunt Minerva's voice came through. "And Spinnet Scores! Another 10 points to Gryffindor." The game continued Harry thought he caught glimpse of the snitch when whack! Fred hit a bludger away that was heading right for Harry.

"Thanks mate!" Harry said
"Don't mention it" Fred replied.

Lee's voice came through again "Yaxley scores. 10 points to Slytherin."
Suddenly Harry's Broom started to shake but it subsided shortly. In the distance, Sirius was on his feet, wand out, scanning for the culprit, but to no avail.
Then the snitch flew right past Harry and he sped after it. Soon the Slytherin Seeker was on Harry's tail, but Harry was simply faster. The snitch made a sudden move downward and Harry plunged into a dive. He came up right before he hit the ground and lunged forward for the snitch. Just as it was in his grasp he flipped forward over his broom and landed on his butt on the sandy part of the quidditch pitch. No one could see the snitch anymore. And Hagrid shouted "Looks like he's gonna be sick."

Harry gagged for a moment, before the snitch popped out of his mouth and into his hand.

"Harry Potter has caught the golden snitch! Gryffindor wins!" Lee Jordan rejoiced.

Half of the stadium erupted with cheers but Harry heard the cheering voices of his friends and family loudest of all.

Remus and Sirius can down to talk to Harry after the celebration died down.
Remus spoke first "Congratulations Harry! That was quite the win!" Sirius added "We are so proud of you!" "Good Job, Harry!" Millie joined in. "Now about that letter you sent us" Remus said. "Harry, listen carefully. We don't want you putting yourself in danger. I understand the curiosity, but please don't engage with Malfoy. His father was a dangerous man, who was a big supporter of You-know-who." Sirius added "We just want what's best for you. Please don't go anywhere near that dog again unless Dumbledore himself is involved."
"Thank you for not getting me in trouble. I will." Harry said.
"And Harry," Sirius said "please tell Dumbledore what you know. I don't know what his plan is, but if you know something about that dog, he needs to know about it."

Author's note
Sorry it's been so long since I last updated. After the drama last year with JK Rowling, I went on a little Harry Potter break, and lost a lot of inspiration to write. It's been as slow process, but I've been able to slowly separate author from creation and come back to the wizarding world and story I love. I have a lot of ideas that I would like to share as I start updating again, but be warned it could be very spuratic as life happens and things get busy. Thank you to everyone who comments! In the beginning I was able to read all the comments so I did. I have been off this app for a while tho, and there a a lot of comments so I have not been able to read them all, but I do read the comments every time I am on here, and it enhances my own enjoyment of what I wrote. I hope that those of you who have been waiting a long time were able to find this again. I hope you all are enjoying this story.

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