Chapter 24 ⚫It's my life⚫

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Annabeth's POV:

I closed the door behind me and walked into the dining room, where Helen, dad and Bobby and Matthew were sitting. They were all laughing and talking, and I breathed a sigh of relief. They hadnt seen tonight's concert.

Bobby looked at me and grinned "Come on Annabweth! We are having pwasta!"

I smiled and ruffled his hair. Then I took a seat beside him, Helen to my right.

Dad hesitated and then he sighed. "Annabeth, why didn't you tell us that you were dating Percy Jackson, the world famous actor."

There was a second of silence. Two seconds...20 seconds. Someone get me off this hellish chair.

They knew. Then I decided to screw it and tell them the truth. "I don't know...I was just afraid that you guys might freak out. Percy knew the group from kindergarden, and we met in a restaraunt, and don't worry, Percy isnt like the other Hollywood stars, he's really sweet and caring, and I really love him, and-"

Helen held up a hand to stop me. Then she smiled at me with such warmth that I would feel comfortable in a blizzard. "You're happy. And that's all that matters."

I felt tears prick at the back of my eyes as Bobby and Matthew engulfed me in a huge hug. Dad chuckled. "I love you guys." I said, hugging the twins back.

Helen winked at me "By the way, that dress, absolutely STUNNING!" I laughed. "Silena did a good job. Now, I havent eaten in hours, I'm hungry!"

I took a bite out of the pasta and smiled at Helen. "This is great. Mom." Her eyes shone. Dad looked at me with a sparkle in his eye.

And this is a perfect family.


I woke up the next day, my mind groggy. I slept like the dead last night, after so much singing, dancing and flirting, I was ready to go to sleep.

I put on a crop hoodie and some jeans, it was time for school. I made a high ponytail, to help me stay awake and put on a red lipstick. When I thought I looked decent, I ran downstairs for breakfast.

Mom (I'm going to call Helen 'mom' and Athena 'mum') was on the sofa, reading the newspaper

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Mom (I'm going to call Helen 'mom' and Athena 'mum') was on the sofa, reading the newspaper. She looked up and smiled. "Good morning Annabeth. What do you want for breakfast?"

I shrugged. "I'll just grab a sandwich."

Just as dad was coming down the stairs, fastening his tie, the bell rung. He frowned. "I don't think anyone was coming over today. Do you Annabeth? Helen?" We shook our heads.

"I get it!" I said, as dad went to get breakfast. I opened the door and saw a woman who was strikingly familiar, with brown hair tied into a neat bun and grey eyes. I recognized who she was by those eyes. My mother, Athena.

I smiled at her warmly. Then I slammed the door in her face.

"Who was it?" Helen asked, still invested in her newspaper.

"Nobody, just the mailman!"

Helen stared at me. I huffed and crossed my arms "Fine. It was Athena."

My dad, who was sitting at the dining table, choked on his scrambled eggs. Bobby and Matthew, who were just coming down the stairs, looked at him weirdly. Helen looked concerned.

She rushed up from the couch and went to open the door. Mum was still standing there, looking at her watch. I took a deep breath. I was going to go through this the Percy way. AKA, sassily.

"Annabeth. What was that about?" No hi, hello, how have you been the past 11 years?

"Sorry. I was just a bit shocked."I batted my eyelashes innocently.

"Hmph." Then she looked at Helen and dad. "Hello, Helen. Frederick. I just have to talk to Annabeth for a while. We'll be right back." She tugged on my hand to Dad's study and we went in just after I yelled "IT'S OKAY, MOM, DAD, ILL HAVE BREAKFAST LATER!" Mum clenched her jaw.

Then she closed the door behind her and turned to me. "I don't like your relationship with Percy." Straight to the chase huh?

I shrugged and sighed. "Alright."

Her eyes lit up "So you'll break up with him then?"

I frowned "Who said anything about breaking up?"

She raised an eyebrow "I just told you that I didn't appreciate your relationship."

I slowly nodded "And I just told you that I acknowledged that. Anything else?"

Athena fumed and stepped closer to me "I am your mother. I said I don't approve, so you'll listen to me, and break up with him. I am telling you, it's for the best! You need someone your own level. Like that Brad kid! I've worked with his dad in numerous projects before." I raised an eyebrow. She had done her research. "Understand?"

I looked at her quizzically "But last time I checked, you left for 11 years, I got a stepmom who loves me and whom I love, and you barged in here after 11 years, without any greetings, telling me to break up with my boyfriend? I'm sorry but it isnt going to happen. This is my life. Not yours."

Mum's eyes bore into me. They seemed to pierce through my soul. Do my eyes always look like that?

"Fine." She snapped and got up, straightening her white blouse. "But you'll regret your decision. Good bye Annabeth." She walked over to the door but hesitated. Then she turned around and hesitantly said "By the way, I- I uh didn't want to leave you. You- You were, you are perfect." A smile flickered across her lips.

Then she got a sparkle in her eyes "And I'm so proud of you."

And something told me that most of the reason she came here, was to tell me that.



Next update is on 1ST OCTOBER.

Unclerickdabest, out.

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