In This Post Apocalyptic World

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In this post-apocalyptic world
Our dreams are decaying
Fading away with the old
While we stand screaming
Reaching for the stars

Sebastian looked up at the ceiling of his dimly lit basement room, arms tucked behind his head while the lyrics tumbled off his tongue.

"That is completely morbid, but so like you," Sam muttered from Sebastian's vacated computer chair as he flipped through the notebook. "Just to be on the safe side though, you're not off your meds are you?"

"Do you ever wonder what the old world was like before everything came crashing down?"


"You can actually find relics from the old world down in the mines sometimes," Sebastian muttered, continuing to look at the ceiling while his stomach churned. "Sorry for not being super helpful with the collab today, Sam. I'm just not feeling it."

"Says the person who just came up with some rather sick lyrics. And you've already got the melody planned out."

"It helped. And to answer your question, yes, I'm on my meds. No, they're not working right now." Sebastian let out a sigh. "Had another argument with Demetrius. He kept talking about crap when my dreams aren't his and—yeah. It's—I just had to put it to words, you know."

"Have you ever shared this stuff with him? Your music?"

Sebastian bolted up straight, looking at Sam. "Are you fucking kidding me? That would be yet one more thing about me he wouldn't—like—you know, get. He already doesn't—he just doesn't."

"Okay. You will let me know if things get bad, right?"

"Yeah. And you won't let me go an entire week without interacting with people." For a brief moment, a slight smile might have crossed Sebastian's face, a rarity. Letting out a sigh, he flopped back down, muttering the lines over again.

In this post-apocalyptic world
Our dreams are decaying
Fading away with the old
While we stand screaming
Reaching for the stars

In This Post Apocalyptic World  (Stardew Valley)Where stories live. Discover now