Roses are white

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I slide on my outfit and shoes and take one last look in the mirror, as close to nice as I am gunnu get. I grab my clutch from the dresser and peer at my phone

From HAZZ:

Ready snaps?

Giggling at the text I begin to type back, I am beginning to grow fonder of the prude nickname he has given me.


On my way frizz

I shut the front door behind me and begin to walk down the street, I receive a few whistles and glances as I walk but I am used to just blocking people out so i put my skills to good use.The cool sunset breeze pushes my auburn hair to whip against my face causing me to brush it off with the back of my hand, i cant help but sigh thinking that this weather wont last long. As the building comes into view I feel a strange sensation in my stomach, it has been so long since I have been on a date I've almost forgotten how to act, what do I do? what do I say? how do I act?, Harry's hair catches my eye as I approach, "looking good snaps" he comments whilst looking at my outfit, "not too shabby yourself frizz" I smirk, "touché" he grins.I look down at his simple outfit; a plain white shirt and suit jacket with skinny trousers and boots." Shall we" he gestures towards his arm and I grasp my Hand around his skeletal frame . We begin to walk but suddenly I realise in the opposite direction. "harr..." I begin but I am cut off "I know snaps. I know" he shoots me a quick smile but carries on. we begin to walk through a terrace to the back of the resteraunt, I send him glares but he ignores them with a tainted smile playing on the edge of his lips. suddenly an image In front of me becomes clear; a table with candles and fairy lights is placed in the middle of the garden with an old silver food sphere and a bottle of champagne placed in a cooling bucket ,I could not help but smile."may I" harry gestures towards the chair and I bow my head in approval, he slides out the deck chair and I take my seat, not long after he is seated opposite me. my heart begins to race as he pops the cork and pours out individual glasses of the alcohol for both of us. "so snaps lets play 20questions, I will go first" I frown at his sudden question but go along with it anyway "what why?" I ask "because I want to know everything" He grins, moving his hands in a flamboyant way. "anyways..." he carries on "have you ever had any pets?"he asks, I laugh at the random question but answer "yeah I had 2seahorses but they died of heartbreak, you?" I frown at my child hood memory. "yes, I had a hamster named hamster but he ran away" his face drops." If you could time travel where would you go?" I ask grinning at the sufficiency of my question, "Egyptian times because they can walk round without tops on and get away with it" he shifts in his seat and i cant help but let out a giggle, " I would go to the nineties so I could go to the disco and my dancing won't look as bad". "Do you believe in love at first sight?" we both stop for a moment and I find myself staring, not at him but at the white roses placed in the centre of the table, it's funny how such a simple colour can be so beautiful. "well I like to believe that anything is possible, but it is not so much about looks but more about personality. so I would like to say yes but I have been let down so many times so..." I mumble," you?" I ask, manipulating the question back to him, "well I don't think that I have ever been in love so I am still waiting for that special moment; I don't think that you can define love, it just happens when the time is right"


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