1. Giant Baby Bear & Baby Bear

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I woke up to my annoying alarm while stretching my arms and yawning, "Why is it morning already aish!!!" I said groaning while taking my phone from the nightstand and turning off the alarm. 

I woke up from the bed and about to go to bathroom when I heard a knock on my door, I went to door and open it; "Sugar Plum, I'm extremely sorry but I can't drop you at school today please go with your brother." my Mom said. I started whining and pouting like a baby "Mommy wae(why), Noooo please I don't wanna go with that annoying giant baby bear" I said in oppose to her idea of me going with my brother that's what I call him. "Sweetie but you've to, I got an urgent call from your Dad and I've to go and take care of the matter in the office when he is out on business trip even though today was supposed to be an off day for me *sighs* but anyways I'll get going now, wake up your brother earlier so both of you won't be late for school. I've prepared breakfast and kept it in fridge, reheat it and eat it before you go to school".

After that she hugged me and kissed my forehead before leaving for office. I then go back to my bed and laid down for a while and check the time in my phone, it's 05:30 am the school starts at 08:40 am so I still have plenty of time.

So I decided to kill my time while chatting with my best friends in our GC.

Savage Bitches(Group Chat)

Sugarplum🍒: YO!!! Wassup

 babes ;))

Cinnamon baby: ntg's up


🍫Choco🍫 Pie🍫: Yahh!!! wassup

 wid you Lia 👀

 why do u sounds 

like a dead zombie 

lmaoo 😂😂😂

The GUY: wtf- it's too early for me

 lemme go back to

 mah beauty sleep 😫😫😫

😻Maknae Meow😻: Good Morning 

Eonnies :3

👑BOSS👑: woah why y'all hoes 

up this early???😂😂😂

Sugarplum🍒: bcuz we're zombiezz

 just like chocopie said

 lmaoo, wbu though??? 😚😚😚

The GUY: I'm still sleeping

 y'all k ryt? duh

🍫Choco🍫 Pie🍫: hehehe yea 

we can see dat

 totally ryujiniee😂😂😂

Sugarplum🍒: yea like totally😂😂😂

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