How It Started

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Isaac accepted the offered note from Steve who asked forgiveness several times after his rescue, the car’s engine was suddenly lost battery, it was suddenly drained.
“I saw it in the windshield, I swear Sir Isaac that bastard hit my back and when I regain consciousness Ms Camila was taken away, I’m really sorry for being incompetent.”
Isaac crumpled the note and throw it angrily, his wife, Sherry quickly comforted him.
“Steve you didn’t even see the face?”
“What are you trying to say, Sherry? It was there in the note, it was clear the asshole took our daughter!” and he motioned to the other security, “find Shawn, do whatever you can.”
“Yes, Sir,” and he left.
“B-But what Shawn wanted?”
“The white envelope that was in Camila’s locker, he wants us to give it to him so we can still see Camila and if we failed we will never saw her again.”
“Oh my goodness,” Sherry said, suddenly felt weak on her knees, “oh good God!” and she cried, “not another one…”
“Sir Isaac, the police are here,” announced by the other security.
Isaac nodded, “let them in.”
“Yes, Sir,” and he left to guide those police officers into the house.
After a few seconds the police officers went inside and talked to the family, especially to Steve who last saw Camila.
“Mr Cabello, I’m Deputy Garcia,” and he handed his hand.
Isaac, even though he was doubted he still accepted it, “I don’t know what took you so long.”
“We’re sorry about that Sir, there are so many callers that tip us who’s involved in the accidents that happened in New Jersey right after the broadcast.”
“Do you now have a suspect?”
Deputy Garcia shook his head, “no, though those tips are in line with what happened we still don’t get the identity.”
“My son notice something about the video, his suspicions is with Shawn Mendes and that is what I wanted to tell you,” and he handed the note, “my youngest is missing.”
Deputy Garcia accepted it, “Shawn Mendes?”
“Yes, he’s close to Camila and only he can do it.”
“We will do that, can we talk to the last person that saw her?”
“Of course, it was her bodyguard and also her driver,” “Steve,” Isaac called.
Steve took a step closer, “I’m Steve.”
“Tell us what happened?”
“We took the usual route and there’s nothing happened because it was not deserted, we’re half way here when the car I’m driving and Ms Camila is in the back, resting, the car suddenly stopped that makes Ms Camila jolted awake which is not usually happened because I checked the car myself, I always do it so I went out to check the hood after I closed the car’s door I felt something hit the back of my head and that’s it, when I regain consciousness Ms Camila is not there anymore and I saw that on the windshield, the car is still not working.”
Everything that Steve said was being written and recorded.
“Mr Steve what time it happened?”
“Almost 4pm half way here.”
“You didn’t saw even a mirage or reflection of that person?”
“Not even one bit.”
“Where is this place that you stopped into?”
“McArthur Ave.”
The Deputy nodded, “we’ll try the CCTVs there if we found one then we report it to you immediately Mr Cabello, I advise that my other team will be here in case the kidnapper wanted something in return other than this envelope that he was talking about.”
“Okay, Depu—”
They suddenly halted when they heard the sound of the TV, with all of them in the living room.
“Did you open that TV?” Sherry asked to Jonas who is near the TV.
“I didn’t,” and he pointed the remote just beside the TV inches away from where he was, “fuck…”
And a video came, they all widened their eyes when they saw the unconscious Camila, her mouth was taped, also tied up in a chair, the same clothes.
“Check all the media outlets.”
“It can’t be,” Sahara said, “the TV in the kitchen wasn’t like that, I flipped all the channels but it wasn’t showed like that.”
“What’s the meaning of this?”
“Someone hacked your connection,” the Deputy said.
Then there’s a message on the screen saying: Greetings! As you can see that’s your daughter Camila Cabello and I know you’re in there Deputy Garcia, other officers and the Cabello family…
All of them shared a look, surprised.
“…I don’t want any of your money because I’m wealthy than all of you present in there, I just need that envelope that I put in Camila’s locker, I was about to take it but the passcode has been changed and I dare you not to take a peek in that envelope or else that girl showed in your screen will be dead right after you opened it, I’ve been watching you so don’t act smart against me, you don’t want to mess with me, especially you Deputy, one wrong move and it’s all over, so expect her lifeless body, chose wherever you want, in your septic tank, in your car’s trunk, in the garbage, in front of your doorstep, just chose and I will grant it."
“How can we know she’s alive?!” Isaac shouted.
They waited then suddenly the camera zoomed in then Camila woke up turned her head around, frightened, with wide eyes and screamed but the tape was preventing her words, she kept on moving but the tie was tight, her face is stained with tears.
"…You see now Mr Cabello, so better remember my message. Again, you don’t want to mess with me."
“Where we will deliver it?”
"I will send Camila, easy. I will contact you again." And the TV turned off.
“Mr Cabello…”
“Don’t Deputy, just don’t!”
“But Mr Cabello…”
Then a phone rang and it was from the Deputy so he took it and saw in the screen that it was unregistered so he answered it, “who is this?”
Then an unrecognizable voice answered, though he didn’t put it on a loudspeaker it was automatically switch to that mode.
“I see that you want to go on your own way Deputy, do you want me to deliver the video tape I had here to your wife? You don’t want it do you? Remember Deputy, 3mos ago, not just that Deputy, three cases that you handled before this, if you don’t want me to show it to the public then follow my instructions, you are like that, aren’t you, Deputy? Or else you will not be called with that rank? Do you want me t—”
“Fine! Whatever you want!”
“That’s what I like it,” and chuckled.
And the call ended.
“I told you!” Isaac said between gritted teeth.
Camila tried to free herself but the tie was too tight, she looked around but it wasn’t like from the movie. She was kidnapped but she was sure that she wasn’t in an abandoned warehouse or any other filthy room, she was on a clean room with queen size bed, a typical room for rich people.
“You’re in time to wake up Ms Cabello, just how I like it,” and approached Camila then remove the tape from its mouth.
Camila looked up and her eyes widened when she saw the familiar face, “how did—why are you here?”
“I see,” and pulled the chair closer to where Camila is seated and sat in with legs crossed, “you know me.”
“I—I didn’t know you, not like that,” ‘fuck, why my heart is hammering in weird beat, I’m not afraid and she’s gorgeous in personal, different from the picture that Sahara showed me.’
“Not like that,” and she nodded, “explain further?”
“You’re Lauren Jauregui, your parents and your older brother was killed in a car crash in New Jersey.”
“Hm I assume you saw the broadcast.”
Camila widened her eyes, “it was you?”
Lauren just shrug, “tell me do you want to see the full one? The other one, with the interview of the probable suspect, you know and then of course the video where the suspect can be seen, I will let you see it.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“Hm let’s just say that I wanted closure,” and she leaned closer to Camila, “that suspect took my family away from me and that same suspect took the only family member I had because of his greediness, his filthy attitude and that is your boyfriend,” and she smirked because the brunette was liking the idea then her smirk turned to chuckling, “I see…” and she test her theory so she brushed her nose to Camila’s cheek down to its neck and she swear that Camila shivered not in a disgusted way, she even hear her moan, the opposite one and she smirked, “you’re liking it.”
“No…” ‘fuck, please continue…’
“Yeah, you’re not,” then she brushed her lips to its lips, Camila is not afraid of her, she just brush it then she attack her lips that Camila quickly responded, it was just a few seconds then she pulled away, she heard her voice hitched and she saw her flushed cheeks and she laugh, “I’m right, you like it,” and she shook her head, “no, scratch that,” and she leaned closer again and made a peck to Camila’s lips, “you love it,” and she pulled away then she stood, “I wonder what your boyfriend feels once he knew that you let me touch you,” and she didn’t see her reaction since she’s operating her laptop, “I’ve been watching you for months Camila and your boyfriend too, he’s too proud, loving the fame around him, the attention he was receiving, tell me Camila, how much did you know him? Hm?” and she looked at her, still in silence.
“What do you want from me?”
“It’s not you that I want, you just got in the way, that’s all?”
“Why you kissed me?”
“Do you like me kissing you, Camila?” and she didn’t hear her answer, “your silence speaks well, let me guess, greater than him, am I right? I hear your moan, your sweetest moan,” and she carried her laptop put it down on the chair she used earlier facing a paused video to Camila then she untied her, “feel free to watch it over and over again, I want to see your reaction,” then she pulled Camila’s hair aside and kissed her neck, “no matter how much you scream no one will hear you here, you’re not in a usual place that you always saw in the movie, it’s different, I’m different.”
“You’re in the psychiatric ward.”
Lauren chuckled, “tell me, how sure you are that what you saw is true and authentic? Media bollocks can easily manipulate a news just like your boyfriend did to you,” and she kissed her neck again, “there’s a three video in there, watch it then I’ll be back,” then she left the room after squeezing her shoulders.
Camila felt her thighs sticky and she knows that she’s wet. Who knew that Lauren Jauregui was indeed a beauty in personal, her kiss was heavenly then she shook her head, because this can’t be happening especially in her situation right now. She was being kidnapped for Pete’s sake! But her kidnapper, Lauren, seems like studied her for a long time now and the way she talks about Shawn then she remember what her siblings said about the tattoo, could it be… She took the laptop that was in front of her and placed it in her lap then played the said video.
The longer she watched the video, the longer she understands what really happened in that night of the killing. The video that was broadcast yesterday was there, it was just a part though, but this time the faces of the person that was present in that video was now clear, not the blurry one. She took her hand covering her mouth when she saw that it was really Shawn, the younger version but she was sure that it was him, the tattoo, the wristwatch then the interrogation of him, she turned up the audio and listened to it.
Lauren slumped back to the couch of the living room thinking of what she just did earlier to Camila then she rubs her face, “you can’t lose focus, you’re almost there, she’s just a hindrance of your plan, don’t lose it,” but she still feel Camila’s lips on hers, “fuck, why did you do it?”
God it was so addictive. She wanted to taste those lips again and again.
Lauren shook her head and stood, she took the frame of her younger sister and stared at it, “don’t worry Tammy I’ll deliver Shawn to hell.”
Camila was still stunned of what she saw, it was Shawn, her former lover that killed all those innocent people, the former husband of her stepmom, her mom, Lauren’s parents and brother. But what caught her attention the most is the beating of Tammy Jauregui in the school parking lot, beaten by Shawn. How can she love a man that is a murderer, walking like it didn’t happen? She fell in love to a man that killed her mother.
How did Lauren retrieve those videos, her father and her, didn’t know that this video existed because the police said that it was just an accident and that’s it.
She stood after shutting the laptop then went out of the room, it was clear that Lauren abducted her on purpose. She stopped in her tracks when she saw a familiar man talking with Lauren.
“Austin?” her eyes widened when she saw the man clearly.
The two looked up and saw Camila.
“What are you—”
“I’m not here to help you,” Austin cut in, “if that’s what you wanted to ask, I’m here for Lauren.”
“How did you—”
“We actually didn’t, Lauren helped me.”
And it was Lauren who explained further, “his older sister is one of the victims of that car killing spree that your boyfriend cause, a victim just like us.”
“My older sister, she was—coming home from the hospital ready to tell us that the news of being finally pregnant, her husband few days after she was buried alongside with their baby, he killed himself saying in the note that he couldn’t live without his little family, he loved them dearly and he was devastated, depressed, after a few months Lauren found me in the police station desperate to know who the suspect is in that killings, I’m eager to know who is that bastard, desperate of killing him, she said she’s finding evidences and now we’re here.”
“He’s my contact inside Miami U,” Lauren explained.
“Why not tell this to the police?”
Austin laughed, making Camila confused.
Lauren laughed too, while shaking her head, “do you really think that the police can help us?” and shook her head, “they’re assholes, greedy just like your boyfriend, they only want money to tamper those evidences, so tell me Camila why trust police?”
“Are you not afraid ended up being in jail?” her voice now is high.
“Why would I, if my life is already dead?”
“Don’t say shit things like that, Camila,” Austin exclaimed, “we know that your mother is a victim but you don’t understand what we feel, it’s not only my sister that I lost, also my future nephew/niece, the great brother-in-law that I have and she’s my only sibling and Lauren all of her family was being taken away because of your idiotic, greedy, dumbshit, psychotic, murderous boyfriend, acting all innocent!” and shook his head, “so don’t talk like you understand us, because you didn’t and you never will.”
“Go back in your room because we will talk more,” Lauren said, dismissing Camila.
“I will not!”
“Don’t wait for me to tie you up again, Camila.”
“And what, killed me too?”
“Don’t try my patience,” and she stood, “blame yourself of being involved with that psycho.”
“We’re not anymore, okay?! We just did that for our reputation.”
“It looks like you don’t understand English my dear Camila, I just told you, right? Remember? You’re involved, do you still want me to emphasize it huh dear? If you’re not involved care to explain, what’s the inside of that envelope he gives you?”
“What envelope?”
“Oh don’t lie, remember Austin?”
“He gave it to you yesterday, I saw him handing you one,” Austin explained, “it’s a flash drive that’s what we want.”
“You heard him,” Lauren said.
“I don’t know the contents, I didn’t peek inside.”
“Are you only saying that because you’re just protecting him?”
“I don’t!”
“I know he’s your first love, first love never dies as per they say and you’ve been together for what my dear, 2yrs so don’t fuck with me, okay? If I were you, I will go back to the room and keep quiet.”
Camila was fuming but instead of answering back she went back to the room.
Lauren shook her head and went back to talking with Austin, “where were we?”
“Shawn’s father, I heard that he runs for the upcoming elections and some said that he will manipulate the ballots so he can win.”
Lauren shook her head, “before he can run, all of his filthy doings will be shown to the public.”
“I like your broadcasting, I saw how furious he was, he’s absent in all of his class after that day.”
“He actually booked a flight to Mexico.”
Austin shook his head, “he’s trying to flee, typical of him, acting all mighty but he’s a scared fool.”
“What you said to me earlier, he’s using?”
“Yes, with his little friends, he even sold them and if you want a video I have it here.”
Lauren nodded then she pushes the thick envelope to Austin, “here’s our deal and as I said, your work ends here, I’m getting closer of him and your mother still needs you.”
“I’m sorry for asking you like this, Lauren.”
“No, don’t be, you’re being a good son, focus on your mom, I’m glad that you asked me, don’t waste your life if you know that you can asked me, I don’t want to drag you with me.”
Austin nodded, “thank you, Lauren, you take care but I will still notify you.”
“Thanks for that.”
“No, Lauren, thank you.”
“Take care of your mom.”
“I will,” and he handed his hand.
Lauren accepted it and briefly shook his hand.
‘So it’s true that Austin’s mother is in the hospital,’ and she shut the door slowly and move towards the bed, “even though she kidnapped me, she’s a good person, what she’s like before?”
“I’m a good person huh?”
Camila jolted when she heard that booming raspy voice and she took a step backward until her legs hit the bed and she sat, “Christ! You scared me,” and she saw her putting a plate of food and a drink down in the side table.
“The name is Lauren, not Christ,” and she approached her, “so, how’s the movie, do you like it?” and she sat on the chair facing Camila on the bed.
“I broke up with Shawn 5mos ago if you don’t know that, I just stayed with him because of the reputation I’m holding in the school.”
“I don’t care if you already broke up with him, I only want that white envelope that he gave to you.”
“Then I will give it to you, just set me free, please…”
“Of course, I will set you free but not now, until Shawn is dead.”
“Do you really want to end up in jail?”
“Why are you asking me that? Are you falling in love with me, my dear?” and she took a steps teasing Camila again.
Camila heat up and quickly deny, “No! Of course not!” and she looked away.
“Are you saying that to me or to your own self?”
“To you…”
And Lauren leaned closer, just what like the younger brunette wants, she added the effect of pulling Camila’s chin with her fingers, “convince me.”
Camila gulped while staring at Lauren’s mesmerizing emerald eyes, she can’t talk she just stared at those eyes.
Then Lauren smirked and she let go of her, “your silence speaks well, my dear,” and she slumped back, “as what I said earlier, until Shawn is dead you’re staying here with me.”
“You only want the envelope.”
“I don’t trust him, I still want to know what’s the content of that flash drive.”
“Why me?”
“Simple, you’re the closest to him,” and she took her phone and looked for her sister’s picture and showed it to Camila, “he had a thing for brunettes, sexy and beautiful.”
Camila blushed at that statement then she remember the video, “it’s your sister, isn’t it, that Shawn being beaten?” and she saw her face suddenly get serious.
“Yes,” and she stuff back her phone in her pocket, “she told him that she was pregnant, he didn’t believe her, instead he beat her, causing her to bleed from the inside, killing her along with the baby,” and she stood went to the drawer and pulled something then took it then handed it to Camila, “that’s my sister’s diary, the pictures are there too, I will let you read it so you would understand why I expected to be ended up in jail, I already expect you too to tell them about me once I set you free and I don’t care anymore, Tammy is my younger sister, she’s the only family I have after losing my parents and older brother, think about that my dear and they were killed by your boyfriend.”
Camila accepted it, she open the diary and there it was, pictures of Shawn and Tammy, all sweet, like her and Shawn before, “his tattoo, my older twin they are sure too that it was Shawn.”
“I know,” and she stood, approaching the door to the room, “eat your food,” and left Camila to read the diary and also to eat.

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