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Anselma knocked on Loki's door and waited patiently for him to answer. She smiled affectionately when he opened the door and rubbed his eyes sleepily like a small child. "Good morn Anselma." He said. She nodded and shifted on her feet. "What can I do for you?" Anselma straightened and met his eyes. "I was wondering if you could teach me about magic." Loki smiled. "It would be an honor." He said. Anselma bounced happily for a moment causing Loki's smile to widen as he remembered everything Tony told him about her.

"When did you wish to start?" He inquired. Anselma hummed in thought. "Is now okay?" Loki chuckled at her and motioned for her to enter his room. He closed the door behind her. Snapping his fingers two pillows appeared in the space between the restroom and bed. Anselma shivered with excitement at the display. They sat facing each other.

"To start, I need you to show me what you can do." Anselma nodded and took a deep breath. A tendril of jade green magic flowed from her fingertips. It grew and began to engulf her. She rose up in the air in a bubble of her magic. Small pieces branched out from the dome and picked up small objects. They rose a few inches before falling. Anselma followed minutes after. Loki smile encouragingly at her. Holding out his hand palm up, a small ball of emerald green magic appeared and hovered. "Make a ball of magic." He instructed her. Anselma did with a small bit of effort. "Now connect it with mine so I can measure the power strength of your magic." Anselma slowly moved her magic until it merged with Loki's. The moment they met something happened.

A strong gust of wind blew through the room flinging Loki's possessions against the walls as a soft lullaby echoed throughout the room. Magic curled protectively around the two and warmed them down to their very core.

Anselma pulled away quickly and looked up to see Loki staring at her strangely. He was shaking with tears in his eyes. Anselma grabbed his shoulder in concern. Loki brushed his fingers along her cheek reverently. "Asta?" He whispered hopefully.
Norse Name-
Asta: divine beauty

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