5 Years Later

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Thor and Loki shared a glance before entering the throne room. They made their way to Odin and Frigga who were waiting for them. "You summoned us Father?" Loki asked while bowing his head respectfully. "Yes Loki I did. As you both know five years ago the powerful being, Thanos, was destroyed." Thor glanced at Loki in confusion. Loki shrugged unsure of where their father was going with the conversation. "We have finally been able to locate which planet he fell on." Odin gave a small wave of his hand. An image appeared of a strange building. "This building is located on Midgard." Thor looked surprised while Loki struggled to hide the sudden surge of hope that rose inside him at the mention of his daughter's home. "I wish for the both of you to go to Midgard and meet with the group of individuals who bested Thanos. Create a treaty with them for I believe they could grow to become great allies." A different picture replaced the first. It showed six people: four men and two women. Another picture of one of the men rose next to the group's. The man was extremely handsome with a weird design in his beard. His warm brown eyes were sparkling as he smirked at something they couldn't see. It was no secret on Asgard that Loki was attracted to both genders and ever since the death of his mortal lover his family hoped he would take an interest in someone. So when Tony's picture came up no one was surprised when- "It would be an honor to go Father." Loki purred, his eyes never leaving Tony's face. Thor rolled his eyes fondly at his brother's antics. "You will join his group known as the Avengers and will help them protect Midgard from any and all threats." Odin stated as he rose. "We owe them a great debt." The brothers bowed in acknowledgement and turned to leave. "And Loki," Odin called out. Loki turned slightly to look at his father. "If you happen to stumble upon a certain child..." Loki straightened up hope lighting up his jade eyes. "Bring her home." Loki grinned. "Of course Father."


Anselma watched in amusement as Tony bounced excitedly on the balls of his feet. "Demigods Anselma." He breathed. "We're about to meet two demigods." Anselma laughed and shook her head. Natasha huffed a laugh when Clint leaned over the table to high-five Tony. Bruce chuckled while Steve smiled fondly at them. "Papa sit down." Anselma told Tony since everyone else was already seated. Tony listened without really noticing he had. "Quit fangirling." Tony shot Anselma a mock glare before turning back to stare excitedly at the door.

Anselma pulled out her phone when it started vibrating. Tony finally turned his full attention on her. "Who is that?" Anselma smiled sweetly. "My boyfriend of three years." She deadpanned. Steve sat up straight, Bruce raised an eyebrow, Clint leaned forward, and Natasha narrowed her eyes. Tony's entire demeanor changed as his gaze darkened. Anselma examined her family and frowned slightly. "I was joking." She said with shock. "Will you all calm the fuck down?" Everyone relaxed. Tony chuckled. "Thank goodness, I was about to go to prison for murder." Clint, Steve, and Bruce mumbled their agreement. Natasha sighed. "And I would be planning your breakout." Anselma studied them all for a moment. "It worries me that you're all actually serious." She said while standing. "But I really do need to take this." She hurried from the room before answering.

"I could swear we agreed I would call you." She said. "Oh but I just couldn't wait to hear your voice." He purred. Anselma grinned. "Is that so Jim? Well in that case I must forgive you." Jim laughed brilliantly at that. "You know you could never stay angry at me." The warmth in his voice thickened his British accent. Anselma loved when that happened. She lowered her voice when she saw Fury turn the corner with two men following him. "I have to go darling," She murmured. "Give Sherl my love." She hung up just as Fury reached her. Smiling at him she turned and lead the way into the conference room.

Throwing open the doors Anselma scowled in annoyance. The sight that greeted them was a sight to see. Clint was hanging from the ceiling swinging from side to side, Natasha was throwing her knives at a nearby wall to practice her aim, Bruce was sparring with Steve, and Tony... was tinkering with the Hellicarrier computer covered with oil. A smudge of grease was on his left cheek.

"Children!" Anselma barked. Everyone froze: Clint stopped swinging, Natasha froze mid-throw, Bruce looked up from Steve's headlock as Steve stopped moving, and Tony stopped pulling apart a tangle of wires. They all looked at Anselma with guilt. "Clint get down." She snapped. He immediately dropped down and took his seat next to Natasha. "Natalia grab your knives and sit." Natasha listened. "Boys," she turned to Steve and Bruce. "Pick a corner." Knowing better than to argue they slouched to a corner of the room. Turning to face her father Anselma kept her face carefully blank. "Anthony Edward Stark." She said softly. Tony flinched. "Baby girl-" He started. "Don't you Baby Girl me." Tony shut his mouth quickly. "Sit." She pointed to the seat across from Clint. He sat slowly. All three bowed their heads as Anselma strode to stand at the head of the table. She leaned forward on her hands and looked them over. "Five minutes." She said lowly. "I can't leave you alone for five. fucking. minutes." The Avengers shifted uncomfortably. Anselma frowned.

"And do you know what the worst part is?" A slight smile crossed Tony's face as he guessed what she was going to say. Anselma saw him and flicked his nose. He recoiled with a scandalized look. "You. didn't. invite. me." As one the Avengers turned and looked at her in shock except Tony who looked smug.

"So you're punishing us for leaving you out of the fun?" Clint asked. Anselma nodded. Steve and Bruce faced their corners again looking the definition of dejected. "You can't do that!" Clint exclaimed. "Yeah!" Tony agreed. Natasha pinched the bridge of her nose, closed her eyes, and sighed. She was smart enough to keep quiet. "Yes I can." She said simply. "Now pick a corner." Clint pouted but listened. Tony scoffed. "I'm your father-" Anselma cut him off. "And you will go to that corner like a man." Tony stared at her for a while. Anselma raised an eyebrow. Tony huffed and slowly made his way to the last corner.

With a deep sigh Anselma turned to face Fury and the demigods. "Allow me to introduce the Avengers," Anselma drawled. "Earth's mightiest heroes."

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