Her Untold Past

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Penny is quite a lazy girl. She sat and read books or would bother Nora and I as we tended to our yard. Nora didn't seem to be bothered by this but I was. The witch also used magic on everything! Whether she was grabbing a plate from the counter full of food or changing the color of her clothes, she was using magic.

I'd never seen so much magical use in my life! But none of it was as cool as Nora's killer fighting skills that I've been able to witness. The portals, the levitation, the skull crushing, that was cool magic. Penny seemed like an amateur. Something told me, though that Penny knew more than Nora or was at least more skilled. Especially after I found out that it was Penny that was assisting in my torture with the hunters.

But it was nice for Nora to have a friend. I mean she had those from the Blue Ridge pack but I knew that having another Witch, especially someone she grew up with, was nice having around.

"Nora, sweetie," Penny began at dinner time as she sat on a stool and I and Nora stood in the kitchen, "we need to touch up on your skills. You are much out of practice."

"You know, I haven't really been the same since ... everything happened." My wife answered honestly. Penny studied her face then went on.

"I think it's about time I tell you guys why I'm here because after I do, you'll be changing your mind."

"Penny," I began, "I've only just met you, but you've helped out so much and I am so glad that you have come to check up on us, and I'd be glad to return the favor but ... we're still adjusting from the first fight."

"I'm not the one in trouble." She quickly said. Nora and I both looked at each other, then turned our attention back to Penny.

"You guys are."

"What do you mean?"

"The coven has found out that you're pregnant."

"But ... we lost the baby." I informed her. Penny looked taken back by that answer. Nora looked down and folded her arms.

"But ... ." Penny seemed to be at a loss for words. "But ... ." She slid off the stool ungainly and came up to Nora. She placed her hand on my wife's stomach and pressed. Then she smiled. A genuine smile that I never thought possible on such a thin and hard-featured face as Penny's. "Man, you really are fat." Nora turned red.

"Enough about her weight, I'm sick of you mentioning it, okay?" I said, folding my own muscular arms. Penny rolled her eyes.

"Nora, there is something you need to tell Red."

Now I was angry.

"Nora, are you pregnant?" I asked, grabbing her arm and whipping her around to look at me.

"She's chunky enough to hide her belly. I thought she was still pregnant from the first time but now that you tell me you lost your first baby and the coven declared another declaration of war, I see now that you are pregnant again."

I tightened my grip on my wife's arm and tears began dripping off her chin after falling down her round cheeks.

"How come I haven't been able to hear another heart beat?"

"Be—because I placed the same sp—spell on our child as I did you."

"You kept me from sensing my own child?" I knew my grip on her arm was becoming a little more inhuman. But I was so angry. "How long have you been pregnant?"

"Red, I'm sorry." She began whimpering, she wasn't trying to free herself from me.

"How long?"

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