Chapter One: Auditions

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|Tessa's POV |

"Just look at me the entire time, you'll smash it" Caleb said holding both of my hands while I panicked at the task in front of me
"What if I mess up, what if I don't get in again" I rambled
"Tess, how many times have we done this? you panic over nothing. Everyone knows you are one of the best dancers here, you are the force to be reckoned with" He chuckled, I wasn't big headed so never did I agree with their silly comments
"I'm serious Cay" I replied
"you've got this Tee, I promise" He said before pressing his lips against mine, that was the moment I knew that I was ready, that I could do this

I took a deep breath in before heading into the room that held my fate
"Ready Tessa?" Miss Anne asked, I smiled and looked over at Caleb and nodded
The music started moments later and I began the routine that I had been learning for the last 3 months preparing for this
I knew it like the back of my hand
Being in this moment right now, I wonder why I was so worried
I do this every year and it always ends well
"Wow Tessa, I'm speechless" Miss Anne said, I smiled at her, I wasn't expecting that response
"You've grown Tess, You aren't the same little girl I once taught Toddler Ballet to" Miss Anne said coming over to hug me

"Thank you Miss Anne" I smiled again hugging her back 
This woman had truly shaped who I have become today and there isn't any part of me that would change a single second of it
"I can't believe tomorrow marks my final year with you two" Miss Anne said getting a little teary 
"It's okay Miss A, we'll still come bother you when you are finished with us" Caleb laughed joining us
"I don't doubt that for a second Caleb, It'll be hard to get rid of you" She nudged him making the pair of us chuckle

|Caleb's POV |

"So I'll meet you in the main studio tomorrow and we can see if we both made it together?" Tessa asked as we were sat in front of her house. I smiled and nodded
"Wouldn't want it any other way" I said before pressing out lips together
"I love you" She smiled pulling away
"I love you too Tee" I said making her blush again before we said out goodbyes

"Look who it issss" Jacob said as I came over to the boys in the park
"Hey boys" I laughed 
"How was your summer?" Jacob then asked 
"It was same old same old, just hanging with the family" I replied 
"Did you not see Katie at all?" Mason asked and I shook my head
"I was too busy, plus there isn't much with Katie and I, if I'm honest" I replied
"Yeah tell that to the pair of you when she pounces on you" Mason laughed, I rolled my eyes
I know what you are thinking... Katie and Tessa...
Neither of them know of each other and that is how it will stay
"how on earth do you cope with spending so much time with your family anyway? My parents literally pay me to stay away" Mason laughed
"Because Mase, my parents actually wanted me" I joked making him roll his eyes
"Is Mrs Myers brownies still the best?" Jacob asked. That boy has an unhealthy obsession with my mothers bakes good and I truly think he needs to be cut of
"As far as I am aware" I chuckled
"Look who is joining us" Mason smirked at me seeing Katie and Maya walking over to us
"Hey girls" Jacob said kissing Maya while Katie instantly attached herself to my hip
"Just like old times" Mason teased
"I've missed you all summer" Katie whispered to me, I smiled down at her
"I missed you too Kay" I smiled, I won't lie part of me did miss her but another part was too busy with Tessa to realise 

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