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Hello Makkalae,

Welcome to saravspace again! (Following?)

I Strongly Believe The Universe, do you?

Yes? You are welcome to join us ashaangians in this wonderful journey. And I'd personally recommend reading 'Kadavul Setting - An #AshAangi Fanfiction' before you hop on with us to travel together.

Neikarapatti Curd Kurma - Kadavul Setting 2 is launching very soon. The story is written in Tanglish. Enjoy The Read!

What am I doing here then?

Well, I am here to announce the story, and to provide you ample amount of time to join us before we launch the story, deal?


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Share Your Thoughts About The Cover, Please. Suggestion are most welcome!

And here you go... the plot of the story.


Ashwin and Sivaangi enjoys the new phase of life in Bengaluru. It's all sweet, sweet moments to cherish. Almost at the end of the first trimester of Sivaangi's pregnancy Ashwin gets busy due to additional workload to stay in the hunt for the onsite opportunity. In doing so, he misses to spend time with Sivaangi. Sivaangi has no complaints since she understands the nature of the job. However on one fateful day things get changed.

Howwww? (You'll get to know in the first chapter or you can read the last chapter of Kadavul Setting)

Sivaangi cannot tolerate the misery life caused on her. She quits the job and goes to her hometown... literally separated from her love, Ashwin. And Ashwin cannot handle all the miseries caused in his life and so he quits the job and moves to hometown.

And the world experiences the worst of the pandemics it has ever seen.

November 2020

Ashwin gets a call to participate in one of the popular cookery shows, and he agrees to be part of it. Rakshan, Sarath's friend is the anchor of the Show and Chef Venkatesh Bhat is the Judge of the Show. To his surprise he finds that Sivaangi is also part of the show.

Ashwin cannot control his happiness and the same time he is equally stressed as he does not want to make Sivaangi say that word 'divorce' again.

Will Ashwin and Sivaangi find the lost magic again during the progress of the show?

Will Ashwin and Sivaangi become AshAangi again?


Ashwin in as Ashwin, lead protagonist

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Ashwin in as Ashwin, lead protagonist.

Sivaangi in as Sivaangi, Ashwin's wife

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Sivaangi in as Sivaangi, Ashwin's wife.

Rakshan in as Rakshan, Cookery Show Host

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Rakshan in as Rakshan, Cookery Show Host.

Sarath in as Sarath, Ashwin's Best Friend

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Sarath in as Sarath, Ashwin's Best Friend

Sarath in as Sarath, Ashwin's Best Friend

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Pavithra in as Pavi, Sivaangi's sister.

Chef Venkatesh Bhat in as Chef Venkatesh, Cookery Show Judge.

Chef Damu in as Damu Appa, Sivaani's Father

Prakash Raj in as Subramanian, Ashwin's 



Cast ready, plot ready and are you ready?

Make sure to add the book to the library and kindly recommend my story to at least two of our friends / family and help us reach more people. #PeoplesLove

Countdown starts... 1... 2....3

Launching Very Soon

Note: In the next post I will be tagging and notifying all the readers of my stories.

With Love,

Mr. Twister @saravspace

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2021 ⏰

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