Chapter 3: A Daring Rescue!

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Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Our four hero's have finally made it to Planet Namek! But to their horror, they saw a familiar round space pod land in the far off distance. Vegeta too had landed on Namek, but for his own selfish desires. While calling back home to let them know what was happening, two alien soldiers destroyed our hero's space ship! Without the means to return home, the four decided to press on, and continue their search for the Dragon Balls. When all of a sudden, a battalion of soldiers flew past them towards an unknown location. Weiss checked her Dragon Radar, and saw that the soldiers who passed them were carrying four Dragon Balls, and were flying towards another. Both Jaune and Ruby decided to follow the soldiers on foot, as to not draw any attention. Meanwhile, Vegeta met up with his long time rival Cui, and killed him as to not warn the others. Will our hero's find the Dragon Balls before Vegeta?


A Daring Rescue!


Ozpin had finally arrived at the Atlas hospital to deliver the news to Oren, that there was someone even stronger than Vegeta on Namek. Though, he was unsure how Oren would take the news. But knowing Oren, he'll more than likely be excited for potentially fighting someone new. When he arrived at Oren's hospital room, he saw Oren sitting up in his hospital bed, with both Yang and Blake on either side of him. Despite being healed from their injuries, both girls decided to stay by Oren. Yang even received a new prosthetic arm to replace the one that was severed by Nappa. It took a while for Yang to get used to her new arm, while also feeling phantom pains every now and again. Thankfully, both Oren and Blake stood by her side the entire time. Ozpin then gently knocked on the door to get their attention.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Ozpin said.

Oren smiled and waved him in with his free hand that wasn't wrapped in a cast.

"Hey Professor Ozpin! Any news from Weiss and the others?" Oren asked.

Ozpin pulled up a chair and sat down.

"Yes, and it's not good news." Ozpin responded.

The young three hunters asked what Ozpin meant by not having good news.

"While they did safely arrive on Planet Namek, it seemed that they've ran into trouble." Ozpin said.

"What trouble?" Oren asked.

"It all started when miss Schnee used her Dragon Radar to scan for any nearby Dragon Balls, and it appeared that four were close to their location. However, before they could do anything else, they saw a round space pod entering the planets atmosphere." Ozpine explained.

Oren's eyes widened slightly.

"You mean, it's a Saiyan ship like Vegeta's?" Oren asked.

Ozpin nodded.

"More than likely. Anyway, after Miss Schnee called me about the situation at hand, they were attacked by two soldiers wearing the same armor as Vegeta." Ozpin said.

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