Chapter 5: Zarbon's Horrible Transformation!

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Last Time, on Dragon Ball R!

Jaune and Ruby had brought the Namekian child Dende back to their hideout. When they arrived, Weiss told them that both Oren and Fasha were currently flying in a space ship to Planet Namek! Unfortunately, their conversation was cut short by the presence of Vegeta, who had slaughtered an entire Namekian Village! Dende then begged the hunters to follow him to the home of the leader of his people, The Grand Elder. Jaune and Pyrrha went to accompany Dende, while Ruby took the Dragon Radar to investigate the Namekian village that Vegeta had destroyed. Meanwhile, both Oren and Fasha were training in space, when suddenly, King Kai called out to them. Announcing that he had new arrivals, that being Cardin, Velvet, Neptune, and Piccolo! However, when Oren told them what was happening, King Kai saw that there was an evil presence on Namek, belonging to the evil galactic tyrant Frieza. Back on Namek, Jaune and Pyrrha met the Grand Elder, and told him of their plight. Understanding their situation, The Grand Elder gave them his Dragon Ball, and even unlocked their hidden potential! Now all that matters now, is getting Ruby back there to get her potential unlocked.


Zarbon's Horrible Transformation!


Both Jaune and Pyrrha were flying at speeds they didn't even know was comprehensible. The very thought that they'd gained even more power filled them with both confidence, and pride.

"This is amazing! I'm flying faster then I ever thought possible, this is great!" Jaune exclaimed.

Both hunters continued their journey back to their hide out.


Zarbon, Frieza's second in command was searching for his fat obnoxious comrade Dodoria. It didn't help that Frieza ordered him to bring any Dragon Balls he comes across.

"Ugh! You've got to be joking! Locating these primitive dwellings without the use of a scouter is such a chore!" Zarbon pompously grumbled to himself.

Then in the far distance, he saw someone flying straight towards him. It was Vegeta! Zarbon's eyes widened in shock.

"V-Vegeta!" Zarbon exclaimed.

Both fighters crashed into each other, then slowly backed away. Vegeta had an evil smirk on his face.

"Yo! It's been a while! Hasn't it, pretty boy? Hope you haven't forgotten about me? Nothing brings up old memories like a grudge match. Dodoria would've agreed with me, If he weren't dead!" Vegeta said.

Zarbon's eyes widened with shock.

"What?! Y-You took out Dodoria, impossible! You're bluffing!" Zarbon said.

Vegeta laughed.

"Heh heh! If you'd still had your scouter, then you'll understand why. The depths of my power knows no bounds!" Vegeta chuckled.

"That's why Dodoria never came back. Well, I'll say good riddance to that fat uncouth bastard. But answer me this, why turn your back on Lord Frieza?" Zarbon asked. 

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