Melting snow and igniting hope (Part 23)

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It was quite a first impression he had left on Naruto.

"I am Haku, you shouldn't be out here alone its dangerous?" He smiled.

When Naruto looked at him he couldn't help be feel relaxed. The person seemed very gentle.

"Miss, what are you doing here?" Naruto asked curiously.

"Collecting some herbs." He had smiled causing Naruto to smile back.

As Naruto helped the stranger pick herbs they talked about the true meaning of strength was. The wisdom the stranger had moved Naruto.

'When people are protecting something truly precious to them. They truly can strong as they need to be.' was a very touching statement that the boy made and Naruto related to...

The entire experience was unique. When he left he left Naruto with a shocking news...

"I am a boy."

This statement had sent Naruto spiraling into denial as to how could a guy be so beautiful. However, Naruto looked forward to running into the enigmatic boy again. Maybe he'll bump into him once the bridge is finished is what Naruto though.

Never could Naruto imagine that he would be bumping into the boy so soon and under this circumstances.

As they stared at each other. Naruto felt nausea hit him.

'Why didn't he kill me then?' 'Why is he doing this?' 'Why?'. Billions of questions ran through his head.

"Why?" Naruto finally asked. And Haku smiled.

"Zabuza Sama, is my precious person. The one I fight to protect." Haku revealed and Naruto felt himself go cold.

Sasuke looked between the two and didn't know what to do. He had seen him before and he remembered it was when he went looking for Naruto. Sasuke tried to think what he could do. He couldn't jump at him again for the fear of being incased again. Sasuke felt restless as he stood by and listened to the conversation that flowed.

"Zabuza? Is he really worth risking your life for? He's hurting innocent people!" Naruto yelled in frustration.

"For you he may be but for me he's the one who gives my life meaning. You understand don't you? Not having a dream.... Not being needed by anyone.... The pain of merely being alive." Haku looked at Naruto.

"I was all alone until I met him. He gave me a purpose. I am his tool and I will do anything to make his dream come true." Haku finished.

Naruto felt stunned. He didn't want to fight him. Naruto always though that the one at the end of his blade would always be evil. Cause Naruto would always be fighting for the truth, the right side. Naruto knew that he was going to be one of the good guys.... But the realization sank in that it wasn't as simple as it seemed. Naruto felt himself go numb. 'There had to be a way to stop this fight.' Naruto though and a possible answer hit him.

"If you want the best for him then you should leave from here with him quickly." He stated causing Sasuke to glance at him in shock.

"Naruto?" Sasuke stated.

"While you both were busy ambushing us in the bridge. Gato, sent men after Tazuna Sans family. I intercepted them on my way here. I got luck they were mere thugs. of them tried to threaten me and revealed that there are more of them. After you take us out. They were ordered to take you and Zabuza out. And from the looks of how Zabuza is fairing.... going against our sensei. It won't be that hard for them. No matter which side wins. It'll be easy for them to take us out cause we all tired. Go to him and warn him." Naruto finished.

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