It Takes Two

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Vanilla incense wafts from its pot in the midst of a coffee table littered with empty Red Bull cans, trashy celebrity magazines and half-rolled joints. It's Saturday evening in Chicago, and boisterous claps of thunder warn of an incoming downpour. Fast Times at Ridgemont High is on in the background, not that Damon Salvatore is paying it any mind as his attention is currently on a set of voluptuous breasts hanging awfully low from their home in your tank top.

Big man on campus, word had got around that he'd slept with most women he encountered - whether they be students, teachers, even visitors who were pondering whether to enroll. It's not like he didn't have the features to back up his quite inflated ego, either. Striking cerulean eyes, chiseled jawline, mop of fluffy onyx waves atop his head. Many had said he reminded them of classical paintings of angels, as he seemed to be lacking in flaws other than that he believed everyone should kiss the ground upon which he walked. Alas, with any cocky male, each had his downfall and his came in the form of a girl whose interest he couldn't easily have. Harems he could have if he wanted and sure, they were easy to obtain, but a challenge was much more amusing. Only in this case, being the loser made it torturous. And yet, somehow, he was up for the competition regardless.

"I'm telling you, it's not worth it." Damon relaxed into the leather of the couch, comfortable in his black tee and gray sweatpants as he silently wished for more to happen between both of you than just these usual friendly conversations. "I've heard him talking about Roslyn, they have this sculpture class together and he brought up how he was considering asking her on a date."

"Roslyn?" you repeated with disgust, and heaved a great big sigh as you were completely oblivious to the fact that your crush had no interest in her and that Damon was lying for his own benefit. "She's like his polar opposite. He's super artistic and woodsy and she's grungy and quiet. I just don't see it ever going anywhere serious if it happens."

"Sorry, I'm just looking out for you. I don't want to see you spiral out of control over a guy who doesn't treat you with the utmost respect." Guilt is making him feel uneasy as he is coming from a place of hypocrisy, speaking terribly of his own best friend when he knows if it were vice versa he wouldn't dare claim he's anything else than a wonderful soul. Desperate times. Anything that could deter his worst nightmare of losing his dream woman to a man he already compared himself to virtually everyday.

"No, it's alright. I-I swear." Anguish stirs within as you turn away, clutching a throw pillow as silent tears streak down your face. If you had just maybe been a little more bold and not so scared of rejection, there would have been a chance. Now all was bleak, odds unlikely that they would turn in your favor and it was all your doing because risk had overpowered your attraction.

Damon reaches out, stroking your arm tenderly and immediately backtracks on his negative outlook as he can't stand to see you cry even if it means he'll take the brunt of the suffering. "I mean, there's one other idea - that is, if you'd be open to it." The gall he has to suggest this, but if you were to accept, it may work out where the three of you come out unscathed and satisfied.

"I'm down for whatever." It could not be much worse than what already was occurring. Rain commences, harsh as it beats down upon the glass balcony door yet also soothing your frazzled nerves after a stressful afternoon. The evening would be better, you decided as you shifted closer in curiosity. Anything was promising.

"Don't say that without knowing what I'm thinking." Whatever thoughts are lurking seem to be causing him distress, obvious by the way he's nervously tapping the floor with his combat boot as though if he spoke it aloud the world as you knew it would come to a turbulent halt.

"C'mon, are you going to keep me waiting?" Doubtful it is that his plan is anything so life changing, and your patience is running thin as you try to guess and fail as he is extremely hard to interpret. "Quit being a wuss and just tell me already."

Kai Parker One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now