Knowledge is Power

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Yonkers, NY

Afloat on the breeze are fallen leaves, brilliant hues of red and orange as they cascade along occupied sidewalks on a crisp fifty-eight degree November evening. The citygoers seem to be moving at a better pace than even the vehicles, which is made evident by the raging traffic you've been sat in for almost a half hour. Bundled in not much else than a wine color scarf and a knee-high ivory trench coat, regret is strong that you had not opted for a warmer ensemble. Yet, when you look out the window it's a new perspective. The foliage so rich and colorful, little kids buying caramel apples from a stand on the corner offering them at a dollar a pop, even the gathering of cirrus clouds in a sky most often bare make you nostalgic for your teenage years. To go back to a time when all you worried about were trivial matters like acne or securing a date to the prom, instead of larger responsibilities. Bills, groceries and most currently, psychology class at NYU. At such a late hour in the day you would normally be holed up in your dorm to study or even in the on campus library, but a good friend had offered one in the area instead that he frequented. Claiming it was much quieter and the ideal place for a study date, what with final exams approaching sooner rather than later. Luckily, the destination was only about another minute away and you knew he'd be understanding if you were tardy. Quickly you take a long peek in your compact mirror, reapplying your vanilla scented lip gloss and adding an extra coat of mascara. Foundation still perfect, hair in decent shape. You were the type of person who preferred sweats and a baggy shirt over getting dressed up, but in public you wanted to at least give the impression that you weren't an exhausted wreck. Burying oneself in notes until the sun rose paved the way for no energy throughout the day, and the only way you kept on was self-assuring talks that it would be worth it once you had your degree in AP Psychology. Every bit of determination paid forward in a future living out your dream career. Unfortunate it was that right now all you could think of was crashing on your mattress and sleeping for a week straight, and life had other plans.

"Ma'am?" calls the driver of the taxi you'd spilled yourself into, and brings you back from an endless onslaught of worry. Once more, you are on an uncomfortable ripped leather seat, except you'd at last arrived. "I don't have all day for you to snooze, thanks." Ah, but how could you forget the typical crude attitude most New Yorkers had a reputation for.

You would never truly get used to it, and with a deep sigh you exit the cramped space. There before you is Yonkers Riverfront Library, overlooking the Hudson River as well as Palisades Interstate Park. It may be monotonous in exterior design, but as you walk through its double doors the broad space feels homey. Onward past the security gates, a front desk lies in center and being that you didn't know your way around a visit was necessary. "Hello," you greet the much older woman, who dons a frumpy pink sweater covered in frog pins and a not so friendly glare. "I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of the periodicals."

"To your right, just before the non-fiction sections," she answers, gesturing and turning back to her computer with disinterest in any further conversation that may arise.

"Thank you." The search for your fellow classmate couldn't be too puzzling, hopefully. Nameless faces pass on your journey across uncharted territory, and it would be easy to spot him as long as you paid attention. A bit hard to do with all the displays for new reads, as you were quite the bookworm, but instead of stopping and lessening the already minimized time spent together you powered on and told yourself you'd come back another day.

A sign hung just a couple of feet away, assuring you that this was the right area and it was just then that your gaze fell on none other than the elusive male. There sat Malachai Parker, or as you'd come to know him, Kai. Locks of wispy brunette hair were neatly coiffed, and a gray long sleeve button-up lay under an open navy blue chamois shirt that stretched perfectly across his muscled shoulders. Kind was his grin as he noticed you, and like a gentleman he immediately pulled back the wooden chair sat in front of him. Unfortunate it was that someone had already preoccupied the one directly at his side, but it was either that or be nowhere close. "Hey," he greeted, sitting once more. "So I figured we could focus on the scientific foundations of psychology, biological bases of behavior, and sensation and perception today then work the other sections tomorrow if you're free. I hope that's okay."

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