Part 2: Lifestyle

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Life sucks. I have the one thing I always dreamed about, which is Hugo, but it came at a cost. This isn't fare, why do I have to go through this. I'm still so young, I haven't lived yet.

 I feel it, eating up all my energy and draining my strength. My time is running up. It sucks I really didn't appreciate the time I spent still able to move around and take a shit. Now a simple task, such as brushing my teeth, are becoming a challenge. I can't even think of the last time I walked into a room without being noticed. I used to want nothing more than to be noticed, but now that all eyes are on me I would love to have that back.

I'm supposed to last 9 more months, but by the way I feel now, I don't believe that would be possible. It's crazy how fast I went from being athletic, to running out breath in a few steps.

We stayed the past week at my parents, and I'm honestly happy to be leaving. It was only supposed to be a weekend, but school cancelled so we decided to stay a while. I don't want to stay here for much longer. I wouldn't want them to see me like this. Plus, it's almost like they were treating as though I am already dead, so it would be nice to get away from that.

Hugo walked into the bedroom with our bags of clothes. He had been packing my containers and wheelchair.

"How are you feeling sunshine?" He said.

"I'm doing fine, I'll help you pack." I said.

 I motioned to get out of bed, but Hugo dropped one of the bags and yelled.

"NO, umm. It's ok. I got it." He said worriedly.

"ok, I guess I'll sit here then." I said upset.

"I'll bring something up for you to eat too." He said happily.

"It's ok, I'm not hungry." I replied.

"You need to eat something. You barely ate dinner yesterday." He said.

"I'll get something on the way home, I'm just not hungry right now." I replied.

"Ok, just make sure not to starve yourself." He joked.


 I hate being treated like a toddler. Always looked after, and never allowed to do anything. I don't think Hugo likes me anymore. I think he just feels bad so he is taking care of me until I die. Life really sucks right now, but the worst of it by far is the medication. All of them with different side effects. Sleepy, dizzy, muscle loss, weight loss, loss of diet, depression... It's just so much. I would love to just stop taking all of it.

"What are you thinking about?" Hugo asked looking at me worried.

 We had just left my parents house and we're on our way back to the University. I told my parents that I wanted to stay there for a while before my condition gets worse.

"Just my medications" I said honestly.

"What about them?" He asked.

"They are the core problem of my life right now, hehe." I joked.

"But they are the only thing that's keeping you alive?" He said seriously.

"This is not living! Look at me, I'm already dead. Why should I prolonge the inevitable?" I asked.

"Your acting like you want to die!" He said frowning.

"That's because I do!! Fuck this life! I would rather be rich running through my mansion naked with you by my side. But life doesn't work that way! So yeah, I would rather be dead. Life sucks for me, and I know it sucks for you too. I want nothing more than for us to be happy together, but I can't provide that. I don't want my life to suck anymore." I said annoyed, not at Hugo, but with my situation.

"I get that it's tough, and if you really want to do something different I will be right beside you. You are special to me, so what is it that you have in mind?" He said smiling lovely.

"No more medicine, no more wheelchair, no more being babied, and no more sadness. I'm sick of it. It's like I have been in a cloud of thick fog my entire life, but now is the fucking time a walk out of it. It might kill me, hell, it will kill me. But it's so worth it." I said.

"If that's what you want to do, then I will be by your side to the end. I love you Alex, and I will never let you forget that." He said looking off if the raid towards me.

 I was actually surprised by his response, I forgot how kind and understanding he is. It's weird I expected him to freak out. What did I do to deserve such a guy?

It would be hard for me to go without the oxygen and wheelchair. I remember how much energy they gave me, but I don't want it. I want to be normal, I want to be strong. I don't want to be a grenade.


When we got home it was around 8 pm.  Hugo lugged all the bags into the bedroom, while I made my skinny ass a huge bowl of ice cream. Hugo made some for himself and we sat down on the couch to watch TV.
It was the first time in a month that we actually enjoyed each other's company. We stayed up all night long laughing, making fun of bad actors, and watching B-rated movie's. It was the life I wanted, and now it's time for me to get it.

 It's funny how the world works, life is something to be treasured. Many take it for granted. But people like me, know how precious it is. I don't have long, and I'm ok with that now. I have excepted my fate, but I will not give up on life. I ain't dead yet right? Why should I have to spend the rest of my days in misery and sadness. If I'm going to go down, I'm going down smiling.

(and eating ice cream)

Hello, it's me. Its been along while since I wrote anything, so I might be a bit rusty. Sorry for the short chapter, I just wanted to get something out there for y'all to read. It's been tough for me lately, but I'm glad to be back. I hope y'all can forgive me for my time off, but as always, peace ✌️

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