Calm before the storm

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S:This is a foolproof plan He will never see it coming and worst case we have fallback plans. Let me be clear this will be the fight of our life's we cannot afford to with that in mind does anyone have any questions?

The room is silent everyone has a determined look on their face.

S:...I seriously can't thank you guys enough for being apart of this team...risking your life's so we can fight for a brighter future.

Green haired guy:Of course! We will always have your back S!

Blonde haired girl:Yea we will crush him!

Smart guy with glasses:Should be no trouble S we got this!

S:You guys...*ahem* tomorrow go spend the day with your loved ones,your friends and your family go wrap up any unfinished business that you need too do then the day after that you know what to do.

Everyone nods in agreement

S:-/$&@:& Dismissed!

*Ss vision starts to get blurry*

...2 Days left...

???:S OI S!!

S:*starts to wake up* Hm?


S:*Yawn*You woke me up from my dream yknow


S:Alright alright

S hops down with another loud yawn making the commander even more mad.

Guard commander:You know your lucky that the king spoke so highly of you I mean you saved one person and suddenly your a big hero.

S:...have you seen what I've done in the past month?

Guard commander:*sigh* yes you did clear out all those goblin camps...but you were reckless! You went on your own most of the time!

S:I just didn't want to have our guards not protecting the town in case there was a attack or have them getting injured...

Guard commander:Please we haven't had a assault on the town in years plus our walls are solid as steel.

S:Well still anything can happen

Guard commander:Well then why were you sleeping when you were supposed to guard the wall?!?

S:I'm a exception

Guard commander:Oh of course you are,and speaking of which why do you wear a cloak? Shouldn't a bright and shining hero would want to show his face?

S:It's a personal thing

Guard commander:Oh let me show you personal-

Leth:Alad your shifts over

Suddenly Leth comes out of nowhere and surprises the two

Alad:Huh? Oh your right...well whatever deal with this wannabe "Hero" Leth I'm off to do some training.

Alad walks off angrily

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