i can't lose you

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This is kinda similar to my other one shot 'all my fault' but shhhhh it's 10x better

**TW** blood, injury, mild physical abuse, death
"Wil you're insane these are your friends!"

Tommy knew Wilbur was loosing it after being exiled with him, but he never thought to this extent. Blowing up their home? His brother sounded like a madman.

"Tommy I'm doing this wether you like it or not and I want you out of harms way when I push that button."

"No! I can't let you do this you sick bastar-" he was cut off short from a slap in the face from Wilbur. Tommy stumbled backwards into one of the cave walls.

He looked back up in shock at what his brother had just done as Wilbur made his way towards him. With wide eyes he stared down at Tommy.

"There's nothing you can do about it Tommy, I've already placed the TNT ready to go. You're useless you cant save them."

Tommy's eyes began well up with tears as he stared back into Wilbur's eyes. He felt completely betrayed. He was then cut off mid thought by Wilbur grabbing his arm and dragging him towards his room. He then proceeded to throw him in and lock the door shut. No way of escaping.

Banging erupted from the other side of the door. "Wil! WIL! LET ME THE FUCK OUT!"

"Tommy you know I can't do that."

The young blond began to hyperventilate. He was trapped. And his brother was about to go murder all his friends and maybe die in the process too. He couldn't loose everyone. But there was nothing he could do to stop it.

The banging on the door subsided and was replaced with sobs. Wilbur listened in and for a moment he thought he may change his mind and let his brother free. They would hug it out and forget about his bat shit crazy plan and carry on the day as normal.

But nothing was normal anymore. He couldn't go back to the one place he truly called home.

So instead he turned his back on the door and headed for Manburg.

Tommy had been sat in his room for about 10 minutes after Wilbur locked him in. Thoughts raced through his mind. Was he really just gonna let this happen. He gave up so soon. No. He thought to himself, he couldn't give up this quickly there had to be a way out.

He rummaged throughout his entire room to find  something to pick the lock until he found a sewing needle he had used when trying to sew a rip in his shirt.

It took a few attempts but eventually he managed to break himself free. Without a second thought he sprinted out of Pogtopia and headed straight for Manburg. He was just hoping it wasn't too late.

Wilbur stood in the room he had created for the button. There were signs placed all around the walls. Songs they had sung when L'manburg was still their home.

Wilbur was sat on the floor in front of the button. He kept second guessing himself. Did he really want to do this? Maybe he should listen to Tommy. No. Tommy is just a child he knows nothing. He got up and started pacing back and fourth he needed to get his head straight he didn't have much time until someone might find him.

He made his choice. Yes he might die but Manburg L'manburg what the fuck it was even called anymore would go down with him. If he couldn't have it, no one else could. But Tommy. Tommy would be fine he thought to himself he was pretty certain Tommy hated him now anyway and he didn't blame him.

It was time. He stood in front of the button and muttered the words, "It was never meant to be." And pressed the button.


Oh god that voice. Please don't let it be him.

The sound of ticking got faster as Tommy sprinted towards his brother and jumped on top of him trying to shield him.

Not even a second later they were flung out of the room as it exploded into pieces. The explosions carried on for miles. He had really done it. Manburg was no more.

Wilbur's face scrunched up as he tried to open his eyes. He slowly sat up and his eyes gathered his surroundings. Everything was in ruins. There were bodies everywhere some of which were alive and moving. Some not.

He slowly stood up and winced in pain as he discovered a blood stain coming from his stomach. There was a long cut and it was deep but not too deep where he couldn't fix it.

As he had one arm wrapped around his stomach he began to limp as he walked around. It all felt too surreal. Had he really just done this?

He tried to think back to when he pressed the button and what the hell was going on through his mind. When suddenly it clicked.


Where the fuck was Tommy. He was certain he was the one he heard just before the explosions went off.

"TOMMY!" He called out.

This continued for several minutes as he tried to search for his younger brother. When from out of the corner of his eye he spotted a hand poking out from under some rubble.

Wilbur sprinted towards the hand and started digging through the wreckage he created. He groaned in pain as he kept irritating his wounds.

He grabbed onto the hand and began to tug at it trying to pull them out. As he continued to pull he saw the top of their hair. It was blond.

No. NO.

Using all of his strength he pulled with one big tug and the body went flying out from under the rubble.

And Wilbur's worst nightmare was starting to become true. It was Tommy and he was unresponsive and not breathing.

As Wilbur examined the body in horror he saw Tommy was bleeding heavily from his stomach as he had been impaled by some sort of metal pole.

"Nonono SHIT! Tommy can you hear me bud?"

Wilbur moved Tommy's hair out from over his closed eyes and shook his shoulders. Nothing. He tried to see if Tommy had a pulse and there was nothing.

He was stone cold dead.

He had saved his life after he had treated him so cruelly. How was that fair.

Tears began to flood down his face as he continued to shake Tommy's cold lifeless body. "TOMMY PLEASE WAKE UP I'M SORRY! I- I didn't mean anything I said j-just say something! ANYTHING!"

The brunette began to sob into Tommy's chest holding him as hard as he could. He wouldn't abandon him again. Never again.

He then sat there with his brother's corpse until the sun began to set. Which then he picked him up bridal style and carried him to the bench him and Tubbo would chill at. He was in shock that it had managed to survive the explosions.

Wilbur then led Tommy onto the grass as he sat by him as they watched the sun set for the last time together.

Over the ruins of which was once their home.

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