Crazy night while babysitting

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In a small town, in a little neighborhood in a little house. A couple were having trouble trying to find a babysitter for their two sons.

Wayne and Dwayne were twins but Wayne had light brown hair and Dwayne had black hair. They did had wore the same thing. A red-yellow sweater, Demi pants and different colored sneakers.

The two were playing checkers together as their parents, a man with lots of facial hair above his lips and underneath his chin, his eyes were hazel and he was muscular and wore a white dress shirt with black slacks and shoes and brown hair. A woman with blonde hair, light eye shadow, red lipstick, white dress and high heels. Louis and Clara Harmon were busy parents that didn't have time to watch and play with their kids.

Louis was a Chief Executive Officer for a construction company and Clara is Real estate agent always working and too busy for family. Not that the boys cared but once a week they hire a nanny.

The problem wasn't to hire a nanny that wasn't always so attractive to Louis. But to find one that was trustworthy or without any criminal background records.

Until one day.

As they we're going through some resumes from volunteers that answered their ad for a babysitter gig.

Louis: hmm

As Louis scanned through 20 resumes, Clara was still unsure or alright with the idea of letting some underage or overaged teen watching their boys.

Clara: I don't know about this, we don't know any of these teens well enough to watch the house

Louis: then who can we trust, I leave in a few days and we need someone to keep on eye on the boys for just until night

Clara: (sigh) I wish we could ask your dad to Babysit

Louis: I told you dad is with mom on that romantic cruise so they can't visit them, we need to find a good babysitter

Clara: (sigh) ok

Louis saw how distraught Clara was so he comfort her in the best way as possible. He takes her hand and looks her in her eyes.

Louis: hey, it will be fine

He assured her that everything will be fine. And after reviewing teen after teen after teen, each one was not what they were looking for. They were about to give up and call Clara's sister when...

One of the boys decided to go outside

Wayne: hey mom, dad we're going to be outside

Louis: be careful you too

Wayne/Dwayne: ok

As they go outside to play ball outside, when someone was walking towards them. As Dwayne threw the ball at Wayne, he missed catching it, it rolled and as he went to catch it.

As it rolled down the street, a car passed by, and it hit the tip of a sneaker. The bends down but looks up. Wayne joins him and both boys smiled.

Inside the house, the harmon's were down to their last interview

Louis: well, here's the last one

Clara: hopefully he's what we're looking for

Louis: if he shows up

Knock, knock

Louis/Clara: come on in

The door opened and they heard the boys walking in talking with someone.

Dwayne: hey mom, dad we made a new friend

Clara: oh that's nice

They both look up to see the two boys holding hands with a very tall boy. He smiles at them friendly like.

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