Honeymoon of horror

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This is the story about The newlyweds move in an old haunted house that is possessed by a demon

It all started At a wedding reception, a bride and groom were one step closer to being married.

The bride was Charlene was walking down the wedding aisle, she wore a white gown with gloves, her hair was red and in a bun, and she carried a bouquet of pink roses.

The groom, Daniel wore a regular black tuxedo, he had a black beard and curly hair.

And next to him was Daniel's best friend Sullivan, he had black slicked hair, and her wore a gray tuxedo like the rest of the best men.

The bride finally arrives at the last step of the gazebo next to the four bridesmaids. The bridesmaids wore light pink dresses and red bouquets of roses.

And when the newlyweds finally went face to face. The prime minister with grey hair and red glasses began.

Prime minister: dearly beloved we are gathered here today to celebrate this man and women, let us begin, Charlene do you take Daniel tandywine as your husband in sickness and in health, for better or for worst, in rich or poor, to love, cherish and honor for as long as you both shall live

Charlene looks at Daniel and smiles.

Charlene: I do

Prime minister: ok did you Daniel tandywine take Charlene Belladonna has you awfully wedded wife for better or for worst till death do you part

Daniel looks back at Sullivan and he sees him smiling and giving him two thumbs up, he then looks back at Charlene.

Daniel: I do

Prime minister: then by the power vested in he, by the power of god, I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride

They kiss and everybody cheered, music played as Charlene throw the bouquet in the air, one lucky girl in a purple dress and blonde hair caught the bouquet and jumped in excitement. Daniel and Sullivan were having shots with their other friends. They then sliced the wedding cake, which was big and had white and blue frosting.

And as it became dark, children played with fireflies and after Sullivan gave his best man speech, they opened up the champagne and the bride and groom, sat together, clicked their glasses together and looked up at the sky.

Daniel: to our future

Charlene: for a better future tomorrow

The next day the newlyweds and Sullivan were out looking for a new house.

Daniel: our next step in our married life is finding a house

Charlene: but we don't have that much money for a house and where are we going to grind a house in this economy

Sullivan: well luckily for us, I'm a realtor and well get ready for the good part

Charlene/Daniel: what

Sullivan: well you know how You didn't got a wedding present for me

Daniel: yeah

Charlene made a serious look

Sullivan: well-I found a house for you guys on a great deal

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