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No one has seen Carly for a week. Granted the girl was able to convince her mother she had a "fever" which was a total lie. 

The only "sickness" she felt was from a broken heart. 

Paxton hasn't tried contacting the girl ever since their conversation. It annoyed the hell out of the girl.  She thought he would realize he was at fault and apologize. She just hoped everyone didn't know what happened. 

Of course the universe is never on her side because today, everyone was staring at her as she walked down the hallway. She glared at a group of freshmen who immediately hid behind their locker. 

I thought she died.

Didn't she cheat on Paxton?

Now's my chance with her.

Carly tried her best to ignore everyone as she continued her way to her locker. She never liked being the center of attention. 

For crying out loud, people talked about her nose piercing for months when she got it last year. 

"Hey girlie." Lily said as her and Eddie walked towards the girl.

"Good to have you back cousin." Eddie smiled.

"It feels like everyone was waiting for my return." Carly pointed out.

Lily nodded. "They kinda were."

"Really? I was joking."

"Everywhere was wondering where you disappeared to. Some even thought you got kidnapped. Don't worry I would know if you did."

Carly chuckled and rolled her eyes. "That's reassuring. Thanks Lils."

"You're very welcome my friend."

Carly closed her locker as she made her way to her first period. "So what has been happening since I was gone?"


"I don't think you wanna know." Eddie said. 

"Whatever it is I'm sure I can handle it." Carly said. And it was true. She hasn't fully gotten over what happened between her and Paxton, given that it only happened a week ago. It's not like she was crying in her room when she had Olivia Rodrigo's Sour album on repeat. In fact, she's completely forgotten about what happened.

One would say she was in denial. Which she was. By hey who are we to judge.

"Well let's see um you and Pa---." The bell rang, cutting off what Lily was about to say. Saved by the bell. "Well that's the bell, gotta go. Can't be late for Mr Style's class. Let's go babe." Lily said a quick bye to the girl and dragged her boyfriend away.

Lily has never been more grateful for the bell than now. She really didn't want to tell her best friend about Paxton and Devi... again. 



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