Chapter 8

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Zayn's POV

I walked into the room to see all of the boys asleep. I smiled at how amazing these last few days has become. I became a 'dad' and a 'boyfriend/husband' all together.

I'm worried about Louis though. He's been quiet ever since the others woke up. I think it was just a lot to put onto him at once. But he still acts caring and loving towards the boys so I think he's getting better.

I needed to talk to Louis about how to get the boys out. I had to wake him even if he looked so peaceful. "Lou. Lou. Lou. Louis. Louis!" I whisper-shouted.

He groaned, "What the hell do you want Zayn?"

"We need to talk about the plan for tomorrow."

He sighed and opened his eyes, "Ok, start talking."

"Ok. Paul and I came up with a plan to distract the fans and get the boys out without anyone seeing. Paul will drive a van and part in the back and our family will dress up and make it seem that we are in the van with him. He'll drive away gaining the fans attention. Then your mum will come in a different car and pick us up. And hopefully no one will catch us."

"Wow. How long was I out for all this to be set up?"

I chuckled, "Only for an hour and a-half, love." I liked calling Louis love more than I should, but I didn't care. "Go back to sleep babe. I wake you when you should start to get ready." He nodded and closed his eyes again.

I went to Harry's bed and laid down sighing. I never it was a dangerous thing to do calling Louis by all these pet names. We had more important things to focus on other than my feelings.

Maybe when most of it dies down then I can ask Louis out. But now is not the time for it, it could make everything horribly wrong. I close my eyes and try to think about positive things.

I opened my eyes to see that I was in a house not the hospital. I get out of bed and walk down stairs hearing laughter. I reach what looks like a play room to see Liam (dressed as Batman, playing with his Batman toys), Harry (with his coloring book, coloring a cat), and Niall (playing with random toys, wearing a shamrock shirt).

"Morning Zayn."

I turned around to see Louis standing behind me with a platter of food in his hands. He came up to me and gave me a kiss on the lips. I just started at him.

He gave me a confused look, "Why are you staring at me like that?"

"Because you kissed me."

He laughed, "What I can't kiss my husband at all?"


"Yea. Are you feeling ok?"

Before I could answer I blacked out.

"Zayn... Zayn... Zayn!"

I opened my eyes and sat up to see Louis looking at me worried. "Are you ok?" He asked.

I nodded not trusting my voice.

"Ok, you sounded like you were having a nightmare."

"I'm fine."

He nodded and went back to bed.

I dropped back. It was all a dream, I was both relieved and sad at the same time. I liked the fact that we were all a family in that way but I want to be able to ease myself into it first.

I closed my eyes and fell asleep again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2015 ⏰

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