Chapter 2

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AN: Ok chapter 2!
Zayn's pov:

Ugh why am I hurting all over? Oh that's right we hit a bloody truck all because a stupid animal was in the way. I sound like Louis now.

I open my eyes to see if anyone else was awake. I saw Louis with his eyes open, panicking. I grabbed his hand making him jump.

"Lou, it's me calm down everything will be fine, ok?"

"Ok," his voice was quiet which was not Louis.

"You guys ok?" I asked the boys in front. I didn't get a response back. Slowly I lifted my head up and saw that they were all knocked out. I reached over and tried to shake them awake, but it was no use they were out cold.

I looked back at Louis, who was fighting sleep. "Lou? You ok?"

He nodded, closing his eyes. I could tell he was about to pass out and I was too. I didn't know how much longer I could keep my eyes open. Feeling pressure I looked at Louis, giving him a reassuring smile and he returned it.

"Zayn? What if something bad happens to us?"

"What could be worse than this?" I tried making a joke out of it.

"Don't say that Zayn. Every time someone says that something bad always happens!"

"Ok, ok! Sorry I was trying to make a joke out of it."

"Well it wasn't funny! Don't do that again."

"Ok, I won't. I promise."

"Good." he huffed.

Hearing the sirens coming closer each second I was able to relax for a bit and close my eyes. Hearing voices I opened them to see the paramedics taking each of us out. I knew we were saved and we were going to be ok. Before blacking out I said a prayer to whatever God was listening that we would all be ok in the end.
Sorry it was short. So, comment, vote?

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