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Author's POV

It was a dark room with only two light bulb was on and it was the only source of light. A man was sitting on chair all tied up, He slowly opened his eyes a groan left his mouth

??????: Where am I

he asked himself and tried to free his hands from rope suddenly a voice came

???: No need to struggle dear cause there is no use

a man spoke who was standing there for last 10 min but he didn't notice it

??????: Who are you?!! And why am I here!!!

the man sitting on a chair shouted

???: Oh! me C'mon how can you forget me? I am hurt

The person gasped dramatically and kept his hand on his chest the person tied on the chair scoffed and spoke

??????: Your acting is just ugly as you" he said the man Clears his
throat and spoke

???: Any way you will know me soon but till that time just wait
for your brothers Kim Seokjin

the man spoke and went away he dialed a number and spoke

???: One down 6 left

he smirked and went away

??? POV

???: Haha stupid people what do they think of themselves

A man spoke to himself a creepy smile on his face while he was holding a photo frame. Suddenly a man came inside and bowed

?????: Sir the Mafia king has got inside the club

???: Really?? That's good news

He said and chuckled

???: Bring him here

he said and the man bowed and left

???: I'll destroy your life Kim's and this time I am not alone


I reached home and was greater by a panicked Rm who was pacing back and forth

Y/n: What happened Oppa?

RM: Y/n-ahh Jin hyung and Suga hyung are not here

Y/n: WHAT?? Where are they

RM: Don't know!!  Maknae line went in search for them but still, they are not here

he said and I was hella worried because if he found them then or he killed think positive. Suddenly the door opened revealing


I sighed in relief

RM: Yah!! Where were you??

Suga: I went in the company because some issues came in my department

Y/n: Oppa is Jin Oppa with you

Suga: No I went alone

RM: Jin hyung is missing

Namjoon Oppa said and Suga Oppa was standing there with wide eyes

RM: Maknae line wet to search him and you but they are not home yet it's been 5 hours and they are nowhere to be found

Suga: Namjoon where is Hobie

RM: He is with Maknae line


I heard Suga Oppa mumble

Suga: Namjoon come on let's go and find them

Y/n: Oppa can I come too?

Suga: No y/n stay here and inform us if they are back

He said and both of them ran outside in the car. I was worried sick.

2 hours later

It's been two hours and they are not here. Suddenly I got a phone call I answered the call without seeing the caller ID because I thought it would be one of my brothers but I was wrong

Y- hello? Where are you guys??

???- hmm I think you are worried about your family?

Y- You bastard where are they?

???- No no dear wrong words I think your father will not like to see you cursing

Y- Shut the fuck up and tell me where are they?

???- Aww sweetie they are with me. If you want them alive come at XXX building alone

Y- Ok I'll come but if I saw a scratch on them you are dead meat

???- We'll see it later

He said and hanged up


I was sitting in this chair for 5 hours. They are beating me continuously. Suddenly the door opened and I saw four unconscious figures were dragged but when I saw their face I was shocked. It was Jimin, jungkook, tae and J-hope

Jin: You!! What you did to them you motherfucker

I yelled furiously

???: Calm down boy two more are coming soon

he said and went outside

Jin: Kook, Jimin, Taehyung, Hobie wake up!

I tried to wake them up and I was successful cause they were opening their eyes

V: Huh? Where am I? Who am I? Am I dead??"

Jin: Aish! This boy

I mumbled

Jin: No you aren't dead we are kidnapped

Taehyung: What?? OMG Jin hyung are you ok??

Jungkook opened his eyes and blinked same goes with Jimin and J-hope but J-hope was freaking out because he hated
creepy places same as Jimin

Mr Kim's pov

I was going to a club for having a deal with our new client but as soon as I entered the room someone kept a cloth on my mouth and I blacked out I opened my eyes and I was tied to a chair and suddenly someone spoke

???: Long time no see Kim

𝙼𝚢 𝙼𝚊𝚏𝚒𝚊 𝚂𝚝𝚎𝚙 𝚋𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚜 [ 𝙱𝚃𝚂 방탄소년단 𝙵𝙵]Where stories live. Discover now