I Can Touch You Now : LVHP

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Lord Voldemort has experienced many things while he plagued the surface of the earth.

He's killed people indirectly or from his own wand.
He's watched people be tortured and smiled, he's even tortured them himself.

He's done so much, seen so much.

Yet, nothing prepared him for that night at the graveyard.
Nothing could have led him to know what would happen.

He had risen from his cauldron and robed his freshly made body.

Just as planned, the little savior was squirming in his restraints, trying to escape.

How delectable the young boy looked, face flushed and drowning in tears, dirt smeared all over, clothing disheveled in a way that could seem scandalous to any other.

Lord Voldemort practically glides over, taunting him.

Then it comes down to that moment.

“I can touch you now.”

He expected the boy to be in agony, if not then at least some pain.

Instead, when his fingertip met the raised skin of the scar, the boy didn't scream, he didn't tense his body in pain, he didn't even cry.

Harry Potter, the-boy-who-lived, moaned.

He tensed up in ecstasy, his mouth wide open. His face more flamed in lust than anger, contorted in pleasure instead of pain.

Voldemort dropped his hand and just stared at the sight the boy made.

He smiled, “I believe I'll keep you, Harry Potter.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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