All Trussed Up And Still Nowhere To Go.

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Whumptober Day One: "You have to let go" | barbed wire | bound

(My sister helped me out with the tags... but she did it Tumblr-style.)

[Jason Todd & Everyone]


   It was a fence. An impossibly large fence, with thin loops and menacing barbs on the very top. It was on the very edge of the land, and if Jason crossed it...

He was finally free.

There were shouts in the distance, someone yelling as dogs barked and unbearably bright lights raked through the prison yard in a desperate hope to catch a glimpse of a white jumpsuit against the grey-green grounds. White, because it was a classification colour for the more dangerous inmates, those who were in intense lockup. Murders, psychopaths, other grade-A offendable acts against the law.

Jason's crime? Vigilantism, killing, being a good soldier to Gotham. The normal shenanigans.

He always thought Arkham was like a revolving door, his only hope as they stuffed him into the back of a police cruiser with steel cuffs digging into his flesh. He had been too numb to pick the locks, Sasha's face flashing upon his inner eye. His only thought was how he needed to get out and find her before anything happened.

Like a dropped domino, everything seemed to be not going his way. Even the pleasure of killing Flamingo had vanished to nothingness.

Unfortunately for him, the green screen had retreated, the Pit leaving him all alone. The insanity plea was brought up – for a moment he though he caught the pleading blue eyes of Dick Grayson – but Jason refused it. He was not insane. He wasn't the Joker, killing for the kicks.

So, he was shipped off to Blackgate, which was much tighter with its security.

It had been just over his first day and second attempt to escape when Tim, the missing bird, had visited Jason and apologized on behalf of Dick, providing comfort no one had given him. Tim promised him a way out, but he had himself knees-deep in finding Bruce and – as if Jason needed anymore reason for the Pit to rear its head – the League.

He sent Tim away, telling him to deal with that first. Bruce was priority, not him. After all, Batman couldn't break out of the time stream, but Jason could break out of a prison.

Being Robin had its perks. He knew the layout of Blackgate fairly well, albeit not as much as Arkham. He took abandoned passages and large-enough vents until he popped into the courtyard, where he was now facing down an electrified fence with wicked barbed wire curved in loops at the top, glinting tauntingly at him.

He knew the Pit made him do stupid things, but he wasn't going to take on a bunch of inanimate pointy strings.

The barks got closer, the rakes of light creeping closer. Jason couldn't help but feel hopeless, like he was staring down the ticking numbers count down or the glint of a batarang coursing towards his neck. All of them could be avoided, all of them were a mistake on his part.

No more. He'll definitely screw up, but he couldn't afford to do it today. Come barbed wire or high fences, he was going to get out, no matter what.

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