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In the cool of the day around 6:00 pm, Inara peeked from her room window as two SUVs, black and white, pulled up before her home.

Then a red one, the one she was familiar with, pulled up last. It made her heart beat faster, knowing that it was him in there. And she couldn't help but touch the ring that he had slipped onto her finger. It clung to her skin, constantly reminding her of him.

Her family had already prepared for the day with drinks for entertainment.

The days seemed to be moving so fast. She wished that she could slow it down but it was beyond her control. God should have made a remote control for people to pause time, she thought, knowing that it was a stupid thought but what did it matter? Her mind was in a state of chaos.

Just yesterday, she was a girl experimenting with life. But now, as a result of her careless adventure, here she was, fated to marry a guy that could easily send shivers down her spine with a single disapproving glance, despite how handsome he was with his smoldering hazel eyes. And everything was her fault.

She watched the occupants of the vehicles let themselves out. The socialite looking older couple that exited from the backseat of the black car were his parents, no mistaking that. He had gotten his build from his father and eyes from his mother. It was true; The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Their driver remained behind in the car as they conversed.

A younger woman with a friendly face alighted from the white SUV with a cute three-year-old boy that held onto her hand. Apparently, she didn't work with a driver like Lemuel. She had his eyes too. Inara figured that it was his sister.

And then she saw him step down from his car, adjusting the button on his shirt. Her heart skipped a beat as she remembered how scared he could make her feel.

This time he was in a fitted, navy blue long sleeve shirt, brown belted over white fitted official pants and black impeccable looking shoes that could both be casual and formal.

"How did you get so lucky?" Amara observed, coming to stand beside her "He's gorgeous."

Inara shrugged her shoulders, not knowing what to say.

"It's true. You're practically marrying a hunk. He's a model stepping out of a magazine." Amara said tickling her and she was forced to giggle because of the tickling.

"Girls." their mother called, peering her head through the doorway so that they drew away from the window and moved towards her. "In-laws are around as you can see." she continued. "Inara, your father wants you to wait here. Custom demands that you appear last since you're the person of interest as he put it. I'll come and get you when it's time."


Her sister left with her mum, leaving her inside her bedroom but she stood by the shut door, eavesdropping.

The door had opened and she heard her father welcoming them. Based on who her dad was, everything seemed to be going on well.

"Thank you Reverend, Mrs. Anthony, good to see you again and meet your family." Lemuel said. "I humbly present mine. Please, kindly meet Mr. and Mrs. Arnold, my younger sister Tirzah and her son Wisdom. Her husband is Navy and on duty so he couldn't make it."

"Great, what a wonderful looking family, good to meet you all." her father said.

"We are all very honored to receive you all." her mother said.

"We appreciate that." Lemuel responded.

"Reverend," she heard Lemuel's dad say, " My wife and I were just saying If someone had told us that the clergy man we admire on TV would be our in-law, we would have told them to wake up."

"Well, God moves in mysterious ways." her father responded.

"Certainly, certainly." Lemuel's mother agreed.

She heard both men laughing and knew that the air would not be as tense as she had feared. It was quite a relief.

"This is my lovely wife and oldest daughter, Amara."

"Nice to meet you all." Amara said. "And allow me to admire your exquisite looking dress Mrs. Arnold."

Inara rolled her eyes. Her sister could be such a smooth talker. She heard the woman laughing. "Thank you girl, you are charming."

"I like her." said the little boy Wisdom and there was laughter in the room.

"Now that we are acquainted, let me lead you all to the dinning please." her father said. "We have wine and they are chill."

Another round of laughter erupted among them. Her dad was a socialite when he needed to be. His work brought her parents before people of different class which made them very exposed. Inara had never appreciated them more as she did at the moment.

She heard the house go quiet, heard her father saying the grace and heard a chorused Amen. Then she heard sounds of cheering as bottles of wine were popped open. Next thing, glasses were clinking. Next thing, her mother was outside her bedroom door calling for her.

Inara took a deep breath and met her outside the door where her mum took hold of her hand.

"Relax, there is nothing there to fear." Her mother said to her. "Meeting your In-laws for the first time can be unnerving but it's normal. There is nothing there to fear."

Lemuel is there to fear, her mind disagreed but she knew that she had no choice other than to do the needful and appear there.

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