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Reverend Anthony's Church, Heavens Vine was brimming with the arrival of guests for Lemuel and Inara's wedding.

Outside the entrance to the church, a banner had been erected with the picture of Lemuel's proposal to Inara. It was the picture where he was kissing her hand, the one that had the engagement ring on it.

The words "Inara weds Lemuel" had been boldly inscribed on the banner with a romantic handwritten font.

Some paparazzi were hanging around by the church entrance waiting eagerly to take pictures.

Lemuel was the first to arrive with his entourage. His parents were in their black SUV with the driver leading.

Behind them was his sister's white SUV. She was sitting by her husband who was driving. Her son Wisdom who was the little groom, was seated at the back, arrayed in a dashing charcoal grey suit.

The third vehicle was a black Range Rover decorated with ribbons and other wedding decors. Lemuel was inside this one, seated beside the driver with his Best Man and Grooms Men behind him.

He was clad in the same color of suit worn by the little groom and had on a bow tie. His Best Man was dressed like him but with a long tie while his buddies were in black suits with long ties.

As his convoy cruised into the church parking lot, flashes of light from the paparazzi cameras commenced.

Lemuel's entourage alighted, wasting no time as they walked smartly towards the entrance of the church, pausing there momentarily for a group picture before disappearing into the church.

There were people filling up the room already and rose in honor as an usher led them via the red carpet towards the left row of the church where they occupied the front seat.

Seeing the congregation seated and the Groom present, the Music Director, directed the choir to stand and in their robes, they kicked off the Occasion with the Keyboardist playing the melody of the praise hymn Doxology. Their angelic voices filled the air, creating a very religious ambience as they sang:

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

Praise Him, all creatures here below;

Praise Him above, ye heav'nly host;

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!

An Interlude followed, the melody, heartwarming. Lemuel looked towards the right front row where his bride and crew were supposed to be occupying but was currently empty.

He admitted he was indeed curious to see her. Regardless of her sin towards him, he really couldn't wait to see her.

He recognized Alex at the choir stand. The boy had better pray he wasn't the father of Inara's baby. There was no telling what his reaction would be. But he knew it won't be pretty. Shifting his mind away from that, he focused on enjoying the music.

The Choir was already singing a second verse:

Praise God the Father who's the source;

Praise God the Son who is the course;

Praise God the Spirit who's the flow;

Praise God, our portion here below!

The interlude was playing again. This ceremony was serious, thought Lemuel. It was very serious and he liked it.

Inara was locked in her father's arms, crying and her worried Train was behind her, hoping she would get back in control of herself.

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