14| devised plan

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"Your brother is cute. They both are but the taller one with the great hair and dark eyes. He's hot," she swoons with a daydream look on her face.

"You have a fiancé," I remind her. There was a look on her face when I said that but it changed quickly and she smiled and rolled her eyes.

"I know that but it doesn't hurt to admire from afar," she winked and trod away. I was concerned why she had that look on her face. Was there something going on in her relationship?

They seemed fine; but then again all the good ones seem to be. In the midst of work, my thoughts drifted, my head slowly tipping forward and my eyes drooping but I was awakened when someone approached my desk.

She looked familiar and the more I looked at her, the more I realized why. We were slightly more acquainted when she had on less clothes and I only saw her from the back. A busty blonde with high pitched moans. Not a good first impression. She looked down at me with the biggest and fakest smile ever. I looked up at her with a condescending smile of my own.

"What are you still doing here?" she asks, placing her hand down on my desk,in an intimidating stance. She was smiling but I could hear the resentment in her voice.

"Well," I leaned back in my chair and looked at the time on my watch. "It's half past two so technically, I'm doing my job. Something you should be doing as well."

"You shouldn't even still be his assistant. Are you sleeping with him to keep your job?" she sneers, her nose twitching in disgust.

"Funny, coming from the girl I saw jumping on Mr. Pierce's dick not too long ago." She stepped away from my desk, eyes widened in shock. I smiled, satisfied by her reaction.

"I-how. Y-you don't know what you're talking about." She tried to say with a stern voice all while pathetically stuttering.

"If you're done, I need to get back to work and I'm sure you do as well," I stated, returning my attention to the computer screen.

"You can't just-just ignore me, you slutty bitch," she insults.

Glimpsing her for a second then looking back at my computer, rolling my eyes. "Uh, yes I can." She stutters in anger, not being able to complete her sentences. She groans and eventually storms off, flashing her blonde hair behind her. I watch her over-dramatic tantrum and laugh.

I tried to complete the rest of my work but couldn't concentrate for the life of me. I went to the bathroom to wash my face and wake me up a little. Then I went for a cup of coffee which really boosted my energy. It was an hour back to work when Mr. Pierce called me to his office. I sigh, wondering what it could be.

Pushing the door open and stared suspiciously at the blonde girl from earlier and another girl standing beside her with her hands on her hips with the most mischievous smile on the corner of her lips. I looked back at Mr. Pierce who stood in front of his desk, gazing at me with a disappointed look on his face.

"What is going on?" I ask, not liking the tightness in the air.

"I have strict rules here, Miss Bloom and by now I would've thought you would memorize them and abide by them." I was still a little confused. I stood waiting for him to continue. "Explain the reason behind you physically assaulting Miss Blake."


The blonde faced me completely, showing me swollen her right cheek. There was a harsh red handprint on her face. It looked like she was slapped.

Oh. This bitch.

I raised my hand, pointing at the conniving women and the absurdity of it all. "You don't actually belie- Are you serious?"

"Unless you have an alibi like Miss Blake and a good explanation for this, then I have no choice but to fire you," he exacted.

"I didn't touch her. She came to my cubicle earlier insulting me and my position here as your Personal Assistant. I answered calmly then ignored her and went back to work. She got upset and also went back to her cubicle. Unscathed," I explain, truthfully, glaring at Blake and her 'alibi'.

"That's a lie! You stormed into Jen's cubicle and started calling her names and slapped her," the alibi lies. I was going to wring this bitch's neck.

"C'mon, this is ridiculous; I don't even know you?" My voice raised, cheeks flamed with heat, eyes narrowed into slits and the vein in my neck protruding from my skin.

"Because you're jealous she gets to have sex with Mr. Pierce and you don't," the alibi sasses with a smirk. I would've laughed at her poor attempt to defend her friend if it wasn't a serious situation. My eyes glimpsed Mr. Pierce who looks rather uncomfortable but keeps a stoic face.

I scoffed. "I'm guessing you're the best friend who will back up Miss Blake here no matter what. Okay, you can fire me right now, I don't care. I know my way out." I go to walk out of his office when Blaire pushes past me, pulling me by the arm with her.

"She's not going anywhere, Gio. After everything this bitch has done for the past years, you're gonna believe anything she and her bestie says over Astrid. Clearly the bitch is jealous. I heard the two in the bathroom planning it all. She had this bitch slap her and come up with a story so it would be believable enough for you to buy it and fire Astrid. Then when she's gone, the PA position goes to her and you keep screwing her. How's that for the truth?" Blaire explains, glaring angrily at Jen and her best friend.

The two squirm not knowing what to say, shifting their weight from one leg to the other. I inwardly smile, thankful for Blaire's help. It was purely by coincidence that she was at the right place at the right time but I was happy for it. I didn't care if I lost my job, I could apply at the police department with my dad since he wanted me to work with him and my brothers anyway.

"Alright. I believe you. Jennifer Blake and Clarissa Wade, you are both fired from Pierce Corporate Limited. Effective immediately," he decided in a firm tone of voice.

They gasped like the air was knocked out of their bodies. They stride towards him, heels clicking against the tile floor, begging him to reconsider but his mind was settled.

"Leave now or I will have security remove you both," he threatens, looking both of them in the eye to indicate how serious he was.

They pleaded and cried while Blaire happily dragged them out. When they were finally out of the office and probably getting ready to pack their things, I took my leave.

"Astrid." Halting in my tracks when I hear him call my name. I turned to face him, wanting to hear the bullshit he was conjuring to say.

"I'm sorry. I should've-"

I cut him off,knowing where this was going and having heard enough. "Yes, you should have but you didn't. It doesn't matter anyway because now I know my value here."

"No, your value here is worth more than you think," he reassures, taking a few steps towards me.

"Yet you believed that bitch over me! I get it, she's worked here longer and she knows you so much more. But apparently, her reputation is not so squeaky clean." My voice rises loud and clear.

"Yes and again I am sorry but believe me when I say you are worth more than you think. More than I let you think. I need you, Astrid," he says softly, maintaining eye contact. I lift my chin, refusing to give in to his deep gaze.

"I'm going to need more convincing."


Au revoir....

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