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Mallika didn't know how many days had been passed like this. It was like his daily routine to have sex with her at night or sometimes days too.

She protested with all her powers but all of them went in vain. She couldn't feel her legs anymore couldn't even move properly.

Her phone was left in her apartment so there was no chance to call them or the police. She had to wait and wait. How many days? Was she even survive till then? She didn't know any of these answers.

Sumedh entered from his cabin. She didn't know where he went in the morning and to whom he was talking. But one thing she was sure that he was mentally disabled and that's why he was acting like this.

Mallika flinched in disgust as Sumedh traced her jawline with his cold fingertips and trailed it further down until it rested on her lower region.

"How do you feel Darling? You feel pleasure all night along with me huh? Don't be shy. Soon you'll be the mother of my heir and he'll rule over our kingdom-" surprisingly he always called himself king and thought this destroyed palace as his own kingdom. She couldn't think she should laugh or cry at the irony.

"... I love you so much Darling." whenever he called her by this name she felt furious. It seemed like thousands of needles were poking her soft skin.

So she spat out in frustration, in extreme agony,

"YOU DON'T FUCKING LOVE ME YOU PSYCHO! YOU LUST OVER MY BODY, NOTHING ELSE. It's right you got successful to claim my body but you can never claim my soul. You can never get it, you monster. I'd better die-" she couldn't finish as he slapped her right across her cheek and it turned into red color on her pale face.

"I'm your husband. And I can do anything to you. Your soul, your body, your mind, everything is mine. Do you understand?" he gritted out his teeth and next second hugged her tightly, silently weeping.

"Wh-why do you always do this? I've to hu-hurt you. Please do-don't-" he sobbed.

'He's a total creep.' Mallika thought.

After a minute, which felt like hours,  Sumedh broke the hug and kissed her in the temple,

"Never ever say such things to leave me,  okay darling?" he stormed off as Mallika sighed in relief. Her cheeks were burning due to the slap. She couldn't afford to live in this hell. She must have to think of something to escape.

She had to be strong, for herself.

She stood up and started glancing at the room for any clue. She cursed herself for not waking up that day or bringing her phone with her. She regretted it.

Her mind visited the previous incidents. Her coming to this palace for the first time. Without anyone's consent visiting the whole mansion. Three years later she came again and met with Sumedh. Him kidnapping her.

She wondered why no one was coming yet for her rescue. Did everyone already forget her? And exactly where the hell was she? She recognized every place of the palace then why did it seem unfamiliar to her now?

She again thought where did Sumedh go early in the morning. She heard him telling he was going to his cabin for official work. Till now she didn't conclude what type of work he did in this ruined mansion.

She couldn't help but followed Sumedh. She had to find out everything and rescued herself from there herself.

She tiptoed towards the downstairs as the newly fresh wind was gazing at her face. It was a long time since she stepped out of the room.

She prayed to God if there were any sources of telephone or something. But if he caught her, it would be her death for sure.

She took very careful yet fast steps towards his cabin. She remembered him going to this alley one day.

Finally, when she stood near the door, her heartbeat accelerated. She looked over to find a hole near the window as she tilted her head near it.

'You can do this. You can do this.' She kept chanting to calm her excited nerves.

She sneaked in to see the room was empty.

'Where is he?'

Just when she heard someone was gossiping in the corner of the room. As soon as she looked in that direction, her heart stood still. She couldn't believe her eyes anymore.

There was Sumedh, standing and talking with someone, someone who's invisible.

But how could this be possible? He handed him some papers and it was fall down all of a sudden. But he seemed like didn't notice it at all. As if he thought the person really took it by his hands.

'He seems serious'

She couldn't think anything. Her head started spinning as she felt her throat tighten. 

She turned and ran as fast as she could. But in the middle of the way she bumped into something hard.

Or was it Someone?


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