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Chapter 86

"I am leaving."

Outside the restaurant, Ji Zhenfeng sent Meixiang to the door, saying he was leaving, but honestly grasped Meixiang's hand and refused to let go.

"Well, pay attention to safety on the road."

Meixiang shook the hands of the two of them and waved to him with a smile. Ji Zhenfeng looked at her and suddenly reluctant to leave.

He pulled his hand hard, and Meixiang slammed into his arms. He wrapped Meixiang's waist and directly sealed Meixiang's lips.

Meixiang didn't expect him to kiss him suddenly. This was outside her store, and the light was still on. If she was hit by her family, she would have no face to see people.

After the breathless kiss ended, Meixiang became a little angry. Ji Zhenfeng rubbed Meixiang's face, "Okay, don't be angry."

After speaking, he handed the basket of grapes to Mei Xiang.

"Go to bed early, remember to miss me."

Mixiang pouted and nodded.

"I'm home?"

Zhao Caixia and Zhang Qiaoer came out of the house.

Jiahui and the others go back in the evening and come back in the morning. Zhao Caixia is inconvenient to go back and forth because of her big belly. Zhang Qiaoer stays with her. The three of them live in the house, while Li Wangping lives in another wooden house built behind the house. Now it's summer. It's fine to sleep in. When the school starts, he will move back to the house and the wooden house will be used as a warehouse.

"It's been a long time since I waited for you, Mom has been worried."

"How is it?"

Meixiang put the grapes on the table, sat down and poured a glass of water and drank it. After drinking, seeing her mother and her sister staring at her with bright eyes, she smiled and said, "I'm fine, it's fine. His parents are very nice, they don't have the arrogance of people in the city, they are very easy-going and kind."

Zhang Qiao'er's worries fell in her stomach, and she asked about the details of the meeting today. Only then did Meixiang remember that Yang Yuqin had given her a red envelope and took it out of the bag.

"I originally refused to accept it. Auntie said it was a custom, so I must accept it."

Meixiang opened it and saw that they were all ten yuan new bills. She took out and counted eight. That's eighty yuan.

"Eighty yuan, the people in the city are really generous."

The first time I recognized the door, I gave such a big red envelope. Later, I said how much I would have to give it to kiss.

Zhang Qiaoer was finally relieved, not for this red envelope, but Ji Zhenfeng's parents' attitude towards Meixiang.

"Okay, you take the money yourself, don't spend it randomly."

"Mom, why not give it to you, I have nowhere to spend the money."

"What do I want your money for? I don't need it. You go to the post office to save it tomorrow. There will be a lot of money to spend in the future."

When I was a girl, I just bought a few clothes to buy face cream, and when I got married, I had more money to spend.

After handing over the stewardship to her daughter-in-law, Zhang Qiaoer no longer cares about money. His son and daughter-in-law give money to the family every month, and they give money to pay tribute to the New Year.

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