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Chapter 96: Extraordinary third

Zhao Zhuojun was admitted to National Tsing Hua University. Not to mention the Victory Commune, it is the only one in Yunxian. It was published in the newspaper, and there were leaders in the county. He praised the black egg and said that he won glory for the county and was young. Promising, the future can be expected.

Zhao Zhuojun did not have the slightest arrogance about being admitted to the National Tsing Hua University. He still followed his usual schedule, getting up at five to read English, running at six, and eating breakfast at six thirty. Zhao Donglin was very satisfied with this and felt that his son was not arrogant or impatient. With such a character, there is no need to worry about him in this life.

"The black egg has been admitted to college. This is the biggest happy event of our family in so many years. I think our family should have a drink to celebrate."

Jiahui didn't expect that the first person in the family to celebrate was Zhang Qiao'er, who had always been saving, but it's not difficult to understand. After all, it's the glorious ancestor who was admitted to National Tsing Hua University. It was the best university in the country. Her sense of pride and joy could not be suppressed. It is natural to want to have fun.

"It should be done in a big way. I put a table in the village for three days. Brother, sister-in-law, the money I paid out of my uncle is just a gift to my nephew for college entrance examination."

After graduating, Zhao Donghe first started a small business, and later contracted a coal mine in partnership with a friend. He has made a lot of money in the past few years and started a business in the provincial capital at the beginning of the year.

Now he has the appearance of a big boss. There is a BB machine on his waist. The BB machine will ring twice from time to time. He picks it up and takes a look. If he is anxious, he will answer the call, and if he is not anxious, he will leave it alone. Every time Jiahui saw him, she could always imagine Dong He wearing sunglasses, holding a purse, and holding her eldest brother in her hand.

"That's great, you are an uncle, and you should spend some money for your nephew."

The family returned to the village from the county, and really put on the running water table for three days, and the chickens, ducks and fish were opened to eat.

"Donghe, you are now the big boss. You can't patronize your own fortune. You have to take the young people from our village."

The village chief Ding Huaishan and Zhao Donghe were smoking cigarettes and chattering. The two Zhao brothers worked as officials in the county and the other in the provincial capital. They rarely went back to the village except for the holidays. "benefit".

The village has implemented a joint production contract responsibility system a few years ago. There is not much work in the field. Apart from the busy farming, there is not much in normal times. The younger generations in the village also want to go out to find work, but the factory can't get in, and there is no way for others. After all, Donghe was in the provincial capital, and the village head was like asking Donghe to find a way for the younger generations in the village.

Donghe understood what the village chief meant, and he went through it in his mind, and felt that it was nothing to help. In any case, the village chief was always good to their family.

"Okay, I know a friend who has contracted a project. There is a shortage of people there, Uncle Huaishan, you can find some honest and capable young people, and follow me to the provincial capital in two days."

Ding Huaishan didn't expect that Donghe would give him the right words, and he was both happy and satisfied.

"Okay, Donghe, you are doing great things like this. Don't worry, what Uncle will find for you is definitely the most capable young man on our team."

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