Note 6

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My inner cat is yearning to spend all of its nine lives with you while the octopus in me has three hearts beating a love tune for you.

I think I'm getting better at this.


"Hey, Mel."


"Earth to Mel?"


"Little melon bread!"


"You done?"

"Done with what?"

"Smiling weirdly at the paper. If someone saw you, they'd think that you had a weird obsession with paper and acquired a unique type of paper."


"I'm serious."

"...Anyway, exams are around the corner. You stop slacking and study or coach will bench you. I'm serious, too."


"Where are yo- Oh! Hey  Uriel."

"Hey, Mel."

"Haha, so how may I help you?"

"You know how exams are just around the corner... I was wondering if you could help me study since you're basically a genius."


"So how about we meet at the coffee house down the street after club activities?"

"Yeah, that would work."

"Cool. Then, I'll see you later."


"It's a date"

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