Note 7

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Let's flip a coin. Heads, you're mine. Tails, hmmm... you're still mine.


"Hey Mel"

"The hallways get so quiet after school."

"Yeah. Anyway, um.. did you enjoy our date last night?"


"So... I was thinking... if you'd want to....I mean..."


"I like you."



"Uriel stop."

"I-I'm sorry... I just thought that-"

"Listen. I'm flattered and all by the fact that you like me. I mean, there's hardly anything good about me-"

"You do-"

"Nah-uh, it's my turn to speak. I'm sorry. You're a really nice person and I like you as a friend but I can't see you as something more than that. I hope you can find someone better than me who can like you back and I hope we can stay friends, I'd hate to lose you. I'm really sorry."

"I get it. It's alright, thanks for properly replying to me. I'm sorry about kissing you without your consent. I'd like us to stay friends too."

"So, see you around?"


"Fair enough... Pfft~ hahaha"


"You're a good guy."

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