Among The Stars

324 25 25

Yes. JiyeongXSaebyeok in this part, baby.

word count: 1345


"Team up with us."

Ji Yeong looked up and saw that player.

Player 067.

She looked intimidating, with her fierce face, harsh edges, sharp eyes, and cold demeanor. She looked deadly, dangerous...

...and beautiful, Jiyeong thought.

That was not the first time she saw the tall, North Korea defector up close. Jiyeong first saw her during the first day, when 067 got into a fight with that terrible jerk, Deoksoo. Jiyeong saw her again in the first game, how 067 taunted that jerk again right under the nose of that creepy doll. Jiyeong remembered the fear for her own life but also the admiration for the other girl's fearlessness. Jiyeong constantly saw her inside the sleeping quarters. She always looked tense, alert, and determined.

Jiyeong always studied and admired her from a distance. She often wondered about her. Why did she come back to this game? What was it like in North Korea? What happened to her that she always looked always on edge? What's her favorite color? Eye color? Does she have a cat? What's her name?

But they never talked though. For the other girl, she didn't exist yet. Jiyeong was another name among the sea of desperate players. Another one who could die anytime.

But this time though, Jiyeong was surprised when 067 asked her to be a part of her group. Jiyeong blinked at first. Then not letting this opportunity pass, she stood up and followed the girl.

She tried talking to her but 067 was too cold, too distant. Jiyeong didn't care though. She still persisted. She didn't know why she felt immensely pleased with herself whenever 067 sometimes replied although it was short and degrading. She also felt really happy whenever 067 focused her attention on her even for just a split second.

Ever since her parents died, Jiyeong had always been alone. She didn't really have close friends, mentors or any companions. Having people in your life serves a purpose. But even that was nonexistent in her life. That's why she came back to the game. To have a purpose, to surround herself with people who could at least sympathize with not feel lonely anymore.

But during the games, she never felt more lonely in her life. Jiyeong had no team, she had no one to talk to, and everyday inside the games she had this constant fear of dying even though she didn't show it.

Maybe that's why I persisted in annoying player 067. Maybe I that's why I craved her attention, Jiyeong mused to herself as they were getting back inside the sleeping quarters after the third game.

She mentally went over her list of purposes:

(1) Survive.
(2) Win and get the prize.
(3) Get the hell out of here.

She glanced at 067 who was staring unseeingly at nothing in particular. Jiyeong then mentally added a new one in her list:

(4) Get the answers to all my questions about 067.
(5) Get 067's name.

Fly me...

Then she rearrange the list according to her priorities:

(1) Get 067's name.
(2) Get the answers to all my questions about 067.
(3) Survive.
(4) Win and get the prize.
(5) Get the hell out of here.

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